Painful fuck women adultery, was blamed as 'free goods'

"Bullshit is also losing money how, go cave must also take a few hundred thousand, to the luxury of money million once. And you, don't lose the odd coin would call is there! Free like every beautiful again, I'm not playing, then it turned out I was stupid? ".

She knew that she like this really, really unlucky fool but she couldn't deter her crush. Yes, she loved him – a love affair oan harsh only because you are married man.

She's not ugly, poor thing. She had even surrounded by satellite. But from the first time seeing him, she has voluntarily given away her heart, not demanding, not regret.

She silly as believing and loving blind men who have families.

How many times have you wondered: "was it love or just a drunk chếnh against?". Because she has not once would think that he would be a third killer chen into the family! She asked a lot of people say that sunshine can extend to long, but cannot find the answer to your case. When that despite trying to how she never forgot him famous a minute.

She usually must so im not trying to give you, just write and delete, press and then dare call. Sometimes going through the city where I work, she still observes the street and think when would happen to see you there or not. And then she "really, for this can watch with the date being paranoid ...".

Also how many times have you ask yourself many times: "in the uk there I can not forget be!". Agree that you elegant form, a field he left, but he did have beautiful wife boy. So the only possible justification, she fell in love with a man, not like a single guy.

Would rather that you don't respond you have attempted a more common than. But I also love you ever more warmly. He says, when she directed him towards the eyes, you know, you have to get her at any cost. Her shaky because of happiness. Furthermore, seems you don't love your wife, you said in her only responsibility, duty and because of you, rather than have the intense passion as her side.

She trust you, believe in your status so what you say you believe. And she waited, waited a day the man freedom so that she can nonchalantly you step between the city, before the eyes of the people under the sunlight.

You know, there are many women who fall into the case like she-trót love for man of the other woman. And the vast majority of them are getting back a result set me up an Eagle when the man must stand between choosing a wife or Bo.

But she believed him, believes he is not a man like that, because when he talks about his wife-always with a respect and sensitivity. The man as you will only have relationships beyond the stream when that relationship is a sincere affection. And she is also very confident in herself again, believe themselves worthy of other people in love and he loves her truly well is not what wild too road. As such, she assured that he is the exception in the third killer-a man Tuesday will be as facilitator.

Maybe she had an opportunity to leave me, forget these days, waiting for a end languished for his love. She can take 2-3 years, in charge of building the facility and the company's new Office in a Sun. And then she will be very busy, she would be very far from you and no time to mind can think about you. Or at least, when you also could not see him. Then perhaps she liked her new land, perhaps life is always there.

She was very determined, have prepared everything in near fine, psychological preparation away from you. So that is just a saying of him: "don't go!" she was praying in back and long slide into this relationship.

The needle on the right also long coated in mudskipper, his wife finally had known of her existence. She is not the person to inform his wife, because she does it to crust and she also like to cause trouble when you put on that. But honestly she also wants his wife soon know, because that's when her legs are his feelings, when he faced his wife for her existence.

After his wife found out, he told her a story: "the quiet waiting for you!", and then disappear, the absolute silence of her touch. Silence-that is the answer for you? Her pain to tear. He abandoned her, why did she toss after a sentence promises? She does cam Center adopted the end like that. Because obviously you don't have official spokesmen would send to her. Perhaps he needed time to resolve the fine family story. And "judgment binh real" waiting for you is probably the most discerning with her job at the moment!

After his wife found out, he told her a story: "the quiet waiting for you!"

But his wife had contacted her before him. Still the familiar words of the wife when her husband discovered his treachery. But she was not angry with her because she hurt too much. She just wanted to prove that she and I love each other is sincere, not in the ward play for fun as she says. Thus, she sent her the evidence demonstrated the love of two people, the animals, these photographs as a happy couple ...

No doubt that her job has made him immediately contacted her after the series on silent. Look at his familiar number ranges, you joy and happiness. But the words I said right then left as lightning between skyline: "She just did what? I told her to silence, silence! Now my wife is nagging divorced here, you're going to be responsible? She believes she is jade or gold leaf shoots?

Honestly, for me, she is just ' found ' free! That's right, nothing, bullshit is still losing money how, go cave must also take a few hundred thousand, to the luxury of money million once. And you, don't lose the odd coin would call is there! Free like every beautiful again, I'm not playing, then it turned out I was stupid? ".

The phone on her hand were broken down according to each respects you. Heaven and earth around her as well as fall under. So, you don't have to be the exception. There when she was the 3rd most pathetic guys. ..=
