Price is charged for adultery

Sir I knew I spent the night with her daughter, damaging the baby daughter of the boss, the boss on life, the boss will be mad. How could tolerate this humiliation.

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This year I've also 40 years old, sometimes on the network read newspapers, surf the web, today to read the mind of me I can not do turn a blind eye should write few lines to share to you. Hope that after listening to my analysis I will know what is right, left, right, wrong, where is the most precious thing she needs to appreciate to have proper thinking that giving yourself every step go wisely to keep happy.


Your wife will leave you, she'll leave me and chase me out on the street, don't mourn. Because the House is in wife's that is.


The average! The sweet feeling of love is the only party feeling in the heatstroke, suddenly. It will be impossible to reason with his family, going so I know to stop before it is too late, and once the story "awkward love thief" of children that messy then you will lose all of it.

Firstly: the ethical terms If you're ungrateful. When the wife and family of his wife was helping create conditions as to I get a steady job, with legs in places where I had to do these WarBirds contract this year. I didn't know that, phủn of work to hand a way of not thinking. Just because the instinctive desire that defies all like that? You're right to be a silver status, the opportunity.
Second: I'm having a warm family, with a wife has a steady job, a 3 year old son. Live near work that too convenient, happy. So then why are you entangled in love with "Captain's daughter". This story that was inner ear to my wife I tragedy will come to you. Your wife will leave you, she'll leave me and chase me out on the street, don't mourn. Because the House is in wife's that is.
Third: If warm salty dashed outside this flow of love forever, the long wrap in the day kim mudskipper. Sir I knew I spent the night with her daughter, damaging the baby daughter of the boss, the boss on life, the boss will be mad up right. There's no boss would withstand this, will, and then you quit the Agency place always. How could tolerate this humiliation.
Till then I will lose all, crushing family, his wife, and divided forums, sharing Nghe. The work no longer, no place else, refuge, children will carry into a helpless. No home, no money, at this time only "picked up the leaves, stone pipes, butter".
Should you know way, know where tostand, are in the position that stopped. Turn around is the banks. Once the story was not anyone know, can salvage, remorse, wrong page. Wait until the story was then you will lose all. A few things to share with you all, looking forward to that I know that I was wrong from the beginning. Know keep happy, her nest. Wish you always happy side of his wife. Dear!