Though love you 9 years but I still break into a 1 night

I was 27 years old, were out of school and go to work but not married. I have people who love the motherland and also the same classmates. We love each other so far nearly 9 years ngét also, sticking together from the popular forecast until now.

I was born in a well-to-do family, the House has two brothers. My parents were young and sometimes they are also miserable for us because both fucking are destructive. We don't know how much money your parents but was not that I would otherwise say is "good enough". Islamic University exams I do two prestigious school of Hanoi with a widely admired towering.

I can not control his desire ...

And I love to learn are far apart, she studied the South and I separated, each year come together a few three times so I am quite emotional deprivation. I was the girl with his Roman Catholic superiors, buffet should mean pretty and somewhat traditional, and I eat from small capital should I know more than you.

Because you always want to preserve virginity should I pm you, but I had high demand in "love" so I usually find to love a night to be satisfied.

The girls go to bed with me, I don't remember too much because, during long time over far đẵng who love me have not know how betrayed, concealing her this story. I am still experiencing the love one night soon stunned also my heart still love me, still waiting for you, many times I saw the tormented, guilt with me but perhaps the "old" way I familiar horse in love "cake" to be paying peeling satisfies.

The day I moved to Hanoi to work, I was very happy, I am happy a lot. I promise from now will love the make up for you, I will give up the affair one night soon stunned to wholeheartedly with you but I still resolutely kept thinking trying to do so many times that my hunch. Though I love you so much but I just keep her insistence meant I betrayed behind children.

I know a man ain't nothing out when such action but really do love me some friggin' slack, as her day as pushing me away. I suddenly hate thinking and traditional lifestyle of her. I respect that she should keep her for how many years now but love each other where for nine years she must keep her as such, while we were thinking of getting married.

Maybe you will see me as the man excuses, but I think if there are people who love forever have opinionated opinion keep you can work away from each other is probably the thing soon. I'm just angry I just me, sometimes I see love you but the discreet and hard near of you do sentiment in me also less by date. Please give me advice, what should I do?=
