When adultery, do men love their wives or love them more?

'Men love their wives but do not know how to heal conflicts and disagreements in husband and wife relationships, so they go to extramarital relationships to correct their defects.' Dr. Susan Mandel, therapist on marriage and family issues, spoke.

The adultery of men is to search for novelty, the greedy nature, but they never have the thought of leaving their wives and children, families. Women are different, women when adultery often tend to give up their husbands according to their lovers.

Men do not rarely adultery when family circumstances are difficult or in the period of husband and wife striving, they often only have external relations when life begins to stabilize, having children and living together becomes hard. prompt and boring. That is to say, men search for other women simply to spice up their lives.

In fact, adultery men often have feelings for lovers. That sentiment may be the true emotion that comes from their hearts and souls, but sometimes it is just a sentiment that arises after they have a physical relationship with that woman. Can be temporarily called love, but one thing, this love is often extremely fragile and not accompanied by love or responsibility.

It is not difficult to understand, why men call their wife rice, but call her a pho. Pho is easier to eat, more delicious, more attractive, but there is no one who can eat pho for a lifetime. To answer this question, you should understand that. Don't say too much, but 90% of men like to have a boyfriend because of sex.

When the wives were too familiar and always thought 'genuine goods' then they did not have to pay attention to that problem, they always experienced the passionate passion that their wife had long ago cooled or Now it has become a reflexive response. Now, the hand of the lips next to the blazing dove makes us satisfied, why can we resist it?

When falling into a situation where there is an adulterous husband or boyfriend, the women are often ill-advised, comforting themselves that the lover is just a "temporary feeling of sunshine". However, we and our men have started with the words 'sunshine'.

So, a man who loves a wife or a lover will have different answers in each person's story, but one thing is for sure, the man only betrays when the old love has faded and has a love. New love has begun to arise.

So a psychological wife should know the problems her husband is having to help him through. Husband and wife agreed, no third person appeared. And also remember not to be too indifferent, believe in the saying 'men are only temporary heatstroke'. Because when you find the right person, they love passionately and passionately, you can't possibly cut that love.

But most men understand that wife is both love and responsibility, and love. His wife, who is the one who painted with him all his life, will go with him through every straight line, helping him balance his internal relationships, relatives, which the girls could never do. So you are smart and wise in your marriage so you don't have to be bitter.
