Women rob their husbands and daughters in heavens and mountains like karma, karma with a few lives to pay for the temple

Defeated career, humiliating marriage

Women cut their feet into other people's families to be the third person, trying to find hundreds of thousands of ways to 'kick down' their wives so that the royal road itself became a main city. But what about having a man? Women who take the name of robbing their husbands forever cannot hold their heads high, unable to have a full life. The career is not broken, the money is not flying.

Because this life no one accepts to tolerate women who rob other husbands, colleagues who are alienated, friends who do not want to socialize, partners also avoid thoroughly.

Moreover, others who sabotage the family do not expect to get a decent man. Because good men will never leave their wives with them. Chances are, a similar story can go back, turn on their fate, they will suffer from her husband's betrayal for another third person!

Children bear the karma of their parents

Being self-employed is natural, but going to the children will also bear a part of this miscalculation of the mother. The buddha said that, when the parents sow, the children will suffer.

Women who steal their husbands, be careful that their children will be robbed by their husbands, or if marriage is difficult, they cannot be peaceful. Even in the next life, women will give birth to many diseases.

Women live for their own feelings but accept the consequences, but the consequences for their children must be thoughtful, do not destroy their children's lives.

The retribution followed until the next life

Those who rob their husbands and their karma and pay their lives have not yet finished, and persist until the next life, the next life. Because karma caused in this life is too heavy, even though this life has become rich, there are many merits in doing merit in the next life and still cannot escape poverty, being treated by a husband, being treated badly by the people.

It is unruly to parents

When becoming the third person to sabotage other people's families, there is not only one heart-wrenching woman, not only the innocent, helpless children but also two others who suffer, torment no less, that is the father, the mother of the wicked.

Parents spend half of their lives, using all their strength and love to feed their children, who do not expect to have a good day. But only, their greatest wish, is that they do not wish for success, and also hope that they become people.

But after all, it must become the birth of a husband-robber who is humiliating and embarrassed to give it all away, sometimes living badly in shame with his neighbors, for the words of the word of men , because of the guilt for the innocent wife and child.

So the woman robbed her husband and added a felony, which is a crime of filial piety, guilt for sorrowing her parents. This crime will be exiled to hell, forever reincarnated in the hungry ghosts, beings cannot escape. Women remember this, so they never commit it.
