Discovered that her husband raised up to 2 children outside, the wise wife shot an arrow to hit 3 targets

Lam's shop has hired employees but is still managed by her, so she is often busy trying to be crazy. At times like that, she wanted to ask her husband to help with one hand. He was reluctant to finish it before, but lately he has had a small change, always borrowing work for his wife.

In fact Lam knows Nhan is busy because they are planning to open 1 more store. However, the change with his words she could not accept: "After all three things about the house and the children, there is nothing but I have to scream like that? Do you feel like complaining about it, is it embarrassing for each of you two children to be able to raise?

Not only is the change in personality and help of his wife, Nhan is not sad to be close to his wife like before. Every night, he made an excuse to quit. Realizing the difference of her husband, the sixth sensation rose, Lam hired someone to follow her husband to find out everything. For a while, she found her husband having an affair. Surprisingly, he not only had 1 but 2 "second" rooms outside.

Holding information and pictures about the other two girls, Lam was dumbfounded. Along with that, the days of commemoration and misery of her husband and wife kept appearing before them. The more she thought, the more determined she was to not let her family be so trampled. You have to act.

That day, borrowed the wedding anniversary of the couple, Lam cooked a very hearty meal. She also let Nhan drink freely without stopping so he was quite drunk. At night, when her husband slept, she took her husband's phone and made an appointment with the two girls to come to the restaurant the next afternoon. As for Nhan, she said that she found a partner and asked her husband to meet.

The two girls couldn't help but panic and were about to leave when they saw Lam sitting next to her husband and Nhan looked at his wife with a surprised look and fear. She calmly called the two back and sat opposite the couple. Looking at the two girls, Lam just wanted to tear them apart immediately but she didn't. She said softly:

"I'm not sure if you two know if Brother is a married person or not, I don't blame you guys today. Perhaps for you, he's a big money-maker, ready for you. but what he likes but in reality it is not true, if you do not believe this is the bank debt that Mr. Nhan is suffering from. Not only that, your family still has 2 small children, weak old parents-in-law. and some people are waiting to be paid at home. Does anyone want to take responsibility for you with your husband? You're too tired. "

Hearing Lam say that, the other two girls turned pale and apologized and then clarified that they and Nhan had nothing. She did not bother to listen and stood up to leave so Nhan also frantically ran after her. Since that day, Nhan has stayed at home more often, playing with his children, helping and being closer to his wife.

How to know if your husband has a boyfriend?

Regularly texting, calling, listening to hidden messages

The phone seemed to be a loner and a sign that most of her husband was having a boyfriend.

When the adulterous man they often hold the phone, text, call and listen to the phone secretly. When a phone call or message arrives but he does not listen, does not watch on the spot or just glance at the phone number to turn off the phone, turn off the screen or go outside to listen.

When having an affair, your husband will stick with the phone with texting, chat, but will set a password for the phone or chat software, and don't forget to delete the message, log out of your daily accounts.

The husband and wife story became different

If you are observant, just by having sex, you and your husband can also know if your husband has an affair. This is a sensitive sign but quite accurate and important.

"When I began to have an affair, all I wanted was sex, but not with my wife. She knew what happened, because our pillow life was fine." An adulterous man revealed.

"When I started the couple, I started sleeping with my wife more often. She told me to be aggressive in bed and that was something she had never seen before." Another man also shared "out of line".

Clearly, the change in habits in the bedroom, which your husband and wife never discussed about the need for innovation - is a big sign of adultery.

There are black funds and hidden financial problems

"I went to see her for lunch almost every day. And went to the hotel three to four times a week. It was very difficult to hide it. I had to open a new account, spend it in that account so my wife wouldn't accept it. There are no transactions ".

Most adulterous men need money to pay for everything: cable gifts, meals, motels, train tickets . Investigate when there are abnormal losses.

Therefore, if he suddenly evades when you ask for income, or responds to the speaker, it is also a sign that he is "stealing".

One more thing is, when doing something 'hidden', he keeps his wallet, extremely careful with papers and statements related to money . making you unable to control the amount of money your husband has how much

Concern or neglect your wife too much

When adultery, men often have psychological guilt, so some people will try to care for their wives to atone, compensate. However, there are also some who seem cold and indifferent to their wives because they have a feeling of fullness with them.

When they have an affair, they have signs like suddenly changing their character, easily getting angry just because of little things or no good reason. Besides being cold, indifferent, no longer interested in you as before proved that he has an 'out of line' relationship.

When the man spends time with both his wife and lover, memories of time with his wife and lover begin to mix.

He couldn't remember exactly where he was on a particular day. The concern for the wife also followed and faded away. As a wife, you will feel this better than anyone else.



The trend

Office fashion

Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

Weight loss

Love room


Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

