Ex-fake sick to me and seized me mercy

I am 28 years old this year and is a beautiful woman, smart. I and my husband have been married for four years. The lives of two very happy. We have a son's Grand khỉnh. My husband is the man of the family: success, love your wife, children, life responsibilities. We will always cherish about preserving your nest and satisfied with what I have.

The lives of two very happy.

But no one can say anything. I have big mistake and are living in sin, paying, bite the end of conscience. Things happen when I see the old situation in Foreign Affairs. Have 4 years from the date the two parted when he should invite me home.

He tells that he is suffering from end-stage cancer and don't live long. It made me mủi please, agree. He presented the wine party welcomed me very thoughtful. He also elaborately decorate the splendid rooms, identical on my birthday when both still a pair.

We review the old story mesmerized. He revealed that many years yet to love anyone else by yet forgotten relics. When the story between them I become intimate, I suggest be with me one night to the Center, retiring. In the romantic landscape, the sweet words, alternating bit miserable made me look wholeheartedly should not dare you opt from. Reason tells me I should stop but don't understand why can't definitively. I like hypnosis in that moment.

And then me and he did "it". I feel extremely regretful after that. I had betrayed her husband, has a piece up the old year vow to reach him. This is the first time in my life, I close with a man other than her husband. Worse, old love Guy didn't have cancer. He's already started to usurp the body I.

I fall a lot and blame themselves too naive, too weak to fall into this context.

I fall a lot and blame themselves too naive, too weak to fall into this context. Back home but I was this obsessed. I feel there is an error with my husband formidable, as if just manually lost anything so precious. Many times the real sense, I have to confess all to her husband but could not. I am afraid it will make the marriage of two break-away. You will not stand this shock by always trust his wife. But the main thing that makes me more paying, responsible for themselves. The images when fellatio to old affection for show about every time the couple closer. It made me obsessed as horrible coming crazy that can't get out. I don't know the situation persists much longer. If this is the price that I pay for your mistakes.=



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How to cure

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Bride mother-in-law

