If your guy has this sign, he is definitely eating awkward

Become forgetful

Being with two women at the same time makes men confused and everything is easily confused. So sometimes, he will bring a movie to watch with the other person to chat with you, or accidentally talk about a very good coffee in a very nice coffee shop and then startled to realize, you are not "lover" in that date. So record how many times this confusion happened, to know what the sirens are!

Suddenly . too good

Adultery will make him feel guilty for his wife and children. So you should pay attention because many virtues and soldiers suddenly become better and better with their families, sweeter, softer with their wives and children. Sometimes he even buys flowers for his wife or waved for shopping for his wife and children. It is a tactic 'in the warmth' to give you absolute trust and he can come to his lover discreetly.

Your instincts tell them they are having an affair

Sometimes a woman's feelings are very accurate. Because when you love someone and live with that person for a long time, there is an invisible connection between the two and when something unusual happens to one of the two, the other will be either vague or clear. Feel immediately. So let your feelings be the basis for understanding your husband's loyalty.

Significantly change the habit of sex

Husband and wife can change dramatically when your husband has a partner. Or your husband will be more passionate because of the feeling of successful eating, so excited, the two will refuse, cold with his wife because "no boredom of tea" - please pay attention.

Become proficient and mysterious with technology

If your computer used to be comfortable, suddenly a beautiful day was set with a password. Never mind the viber, zalo, wechat and ty billion free messaging software, now, he starts to install it on the device.

Or many online chat software, but accidentally you go there, and see the message box is cleared, including your messages, of your colleagues . Obviously he has many suspicious signs .

These signs can easily be seen in a "stealthy" man, but it does not mean that when you catch all these things, you turn right into the 'Ha Dong lion' and rush to the Extreme conclusions. Sit down, breathe deeply and calm down. Talk to your husband about all you need to say.



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