I'm foolish to play 'double bed' in a trip away from home

Price as there is the summer of that year, price as I don't engage in foolish games so maybe I will feel no remorse, and did not see themselves worthy of blame as now.

In his first summer vacation time, both group I (5 male, 5 female) decided to travel away from home for 10 days. Although a bit scared, but I don't want to miss this exciting game.

Mistake when "wild trót" ...

At the time my parents are worried her money, less attention to children. Her parents only care about how much money I need and need the money to do anything. Therefore, I am very easy to give convincing reasons to deceive her parents to go out.

As planned, the trip will begin on Sunday, the first week of summer vacation. After a day of sitting the car from Hanoi in Thanh Hoa, we're also an inch, who want to rest instead of excitement to the game.

On Monday the group along the Sea see dawn, listening to the waves, and breathe in the fresh air. The beautiful sea as a colourful painting, mellow as a melodic music and static sound than what I thought.

Up to the group back to the sea squid fishing. The light of the stars, the Moon, and light brilliant sea makes power like a city in front of us. All the same, the same playing, and dropping the ocean waves at night. Then we sat down to crank Fireside circle was burned up from the stems dry firewood.

Indeed the summer holidays will know how much fun, memorable know how much if people don't think of and response to a foolish games-game "double bed".

The names people are written up on small pieces of paper, one must visit the met will sleep with him tonight, and that a regulation is only to sleep and not be doing nothing. But know that everyone will do? I protested vehemently, decided to remove the ride out to sea alone. All night I didn't go back because just scared, just saw the news.

The following night, people still continue her foolish games without letting me know. During dinner, people in the same House I, pressed me to drink alcohol until drunk software does not know anything else, then continue "the game".

The next morning, upon waking, I don't remember what happened and panicked when he saw people located next to myself a boyfriend in the group. Panic, I plunge into the sea, just run just crying.

But then not brave enough, I come up and catch the car straight on summer vacation ends Makati. I've promised myself, from now will never join the fun would she groups together again.

After a time, when they continued to see each other, didn't I go play. But I protested and threatened to alert the police. Surprise when all were laughing and talking as the challenge: "try, then he will know who is to suffer the most." Moreover, they also said there were interesting pictures in the evening he was saved as a souvenir.

Just fear, just find yourself worthy, I dare not say with whom, also do not dare to stand up on his own accusations, which always live in silence, sometimes fall into the stress state.

From then on I always collect themselves in a circle of stability, little contact with the outside and feel like getting the disease of depression. And now I only know itself wholeheartedly with the two words "... as. ..".=



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