Beauty Secrets of Cheryl Cole

Although age 29 but Cheryl Cole again own a beauty and extremely attractive. To do this, she and singer who he had to spend no less effort, time and money.[links] Hair care

Cheryl Cole are regular customers of Guyonnet hair salon in Notting Hill. To get curly hair smoother and Thinketh Bong, "England" spent a lot of time and money.

Stylist Julien Guyonnet: "Cheryl with 1960s curly hair style. To keep the hair wavy, she usually always came here January 3 times to do curly back and 6 weeks, Cheryl back to trimmed hair ". Former singer of the Girls Aloud consume 4000 table for her hair.

Each time you visit the hair salon, Cheryl takes at least four hours to do the top and the price of each hair is 750. On average a year, former singer of the Girls Aloud consume 4000 table for her hair.

However, the amount of money spent wasted no Cheryl, by expert Hairstylist Guyonnet has become a "brand" that the artist Peaches Geldof as fussy and Russell Brand are very popular.

Besides, the hair and glamour of Thinketh Bong Cheryl always makes the young girls adore. Not a few people have found genuine do Guyonnet's head to get hair like former judges of X Factor beautiful.

Sports training

To keep in shape, Cheryl Cole has hired a private COACH to teach yourself the appropriate exercises. 29 year old beauty admits she is very easy to gain weight, so you need to exercise regularly. Training session of Cheryl started from the lightweight motor, then will the episode with the treadmill 30 minutes and finally the weight in the first round .

Occasionally, her "England" is also rehearsing with Hypoxi sports bike worth 36000 table. She revealed: "every time free, I usually just use medium bike grease machine for the abdomen. So will save quite a lot of time and efficiently to very fast ".

Each year, Cheryl is charged for private COACH 14000 table. In return, she and singer are you own a body cannot be more standard. Every time Cheryl appeared with sexy outfit showing curves is you only know beard wing "curb the mouth cavity" gaze.

At present, the health index (BMI) of Cheryl is 19.5, this is a healthy indicator that many people desire. The height of the "sexiest woman of 2010 planet" is 1m60 and weighs 49 kg.

The diet

The beauty of "the fog" say no to all the doctors nutrition that confirmed that she did not diet. However, Cheryl's food is largely vegetarian. She enjoys Japanese cuisine by its low fat and naturally. In parallel with the eat more vegetables, Cheryl also don't skip seafood. Her favorite is shrimp and cod.

Cheryl confided: "If I started with breakfast foods contain more protein then I will try to not eat anything containing carbonhydates. But I believe that people should "eat brake drop" once a week. I usually turn into "pig" on Sunday by that is my day of rest ".=



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