Lan Khue shares pregnant secrets but still beautiful shape

Appeared to show off the belly of a slender gourd in the 5th month of pregnancy, Lan Khue shared the secret to keep the shape and ensure the development of the baby in the abdomen. According to Lan Khue, she always complies with all diets and breaks in a scientific way.

The beauty shared: " I wonder why Khue elected 5 months is still neat, while having a mother, she has surpassed from the 5th month. Which mothers like Khue do not worry when being rebellious is thin. The mother is compact because the position of the mother's uterus is deep behind so even though the baby grows up every day, it is still neat in the abdomen.

And the belly mothers also do not have to be afraid when compared to this mother, the other mother in the same month. I'm lying down against my mother's stomach, Mom.

Khue itself, though some people praise it as neat and fresh, many people just ask to say "I will not be guilty of child", "This is how I miss you". Baby grows faster than the week old, the physical and nutritional indicators of Khue are very good.

It is also interesting that Khue in this period did not eat well and did not eat much. Generally anorexia. But I am aware that nutrition will affect the development of the baby so I must have a solution. Khue thinks that mothers who suffer from anorexia-like condition in Khue or mothers who want to have enough nutrients for their children but cannot admit to their mothers can refer to:

1. One day Khue still eats 3 meals

Each meal will be divided into foods rich in calcium, iron, DHA, folic acid such as salmon, beef, eggs . eat a little starch from black bread, brown rice, vermicelli, vermicelli. Each meal Khue makes a little bit to eat small bowls and plates to be able to eat enough dishes, but avoid eating too much or feeling bored.

2. Between 3 meals, there are snacks

Khue's snacks include: vegetable soup with chicken / crab, fresh milk, nut milk, nuts (macca, walnut, almonds), chocolate, yogurt, cereal flour, raisins, fruits.

3. Eat less.

Khue is a spicy user but when pregnant to eat spicy just not good for digestion, it is easy to cause cardiovascular problems, blood pressure, diabetes, edema . should Khue this stage eat lightly than

You can see that in side meal Khue uses low-fat milk calcium, no sugar, chocolate also chooses 100% cocoa, raisins are very good for pregnant women so they can eat, but can eat with milk Sugar-free sour and spice-free nuts to balance taste but still do not increase sugar.

4. Supplementing vitamins, synthetic minerals and pregnant milk

No matter how diverse your diet is, it is very difficult to ensure 100% of all substances, so vitamins, synthetic minerals, and milk.   is your companion during pregnancy ".

Lan Khue's status line quickly received positive feedback from netizens. Most of them praised her toned, neat figure when pregnant and sent her congratulations while pregnant with her first child.



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