Many times deny, Quynh Anh Shyn finally publicly has 'aesthetic but does not touch scissors'

Quynh Anh Shyn has repeatedly received questions regarding plastic surgery. If comparing the current photos of hot girl with the new time appearing in the Assassin trio, the people easily see a significant change: the face is tighter, the chin is longer, the face is harmonious.

Many people believe that Quynh Anh Shyn used lifting botox injection method to collapse the sides of the jaw, in addition to injecting the filler in the chin area to own the V-line chin.

After many silence, she also explained that: 'I did not use any cosmetic measures. Recently I have gym and weight loss quite a lot, so the face is also thin and people misunderstand '.

But recently, on his personal Youtube channel, Quynh Anh Shyn no longer uses that 'eternal reason' but more frankly: 'People have the phrase' Beautiful but natural but not beautiful 'and I am one of those cases. Now there are beauty methods that don't touch cutlery. In general, how beautiful I am without harming my health and pain is fine. '

Quynh Anh Shyn indirectly admitted to using beauty methods without touching cutlery to have the present beauty and not just lose weight.

Also in the answer to the rumors about himself, Quynh Anh Shyn answered all questions about her love Chi Pu, pregnant, about to get married or in fashion that has a 'weird' part of every eye. people. However, it's all a misunderstanding because fashionista was born in 1996 and confirmed that she is a straight girl and hopes her style will gradually become more familiar with fans.



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