Pure vitamin C-'gifts' for women skin

Currently, a large source of information from the Internet, newspapers ... to help women with easy access to many different methods, creating a new skin care movements. Each method of applying technology and special ingredients with the pros-cons. Vitamin C – a "potion" is widely used in beauty care for women. However, you have to understand Vitamin C and the applications of this component?

Why Vitamin C is "in favor" of beauty?

Science has proven Vitamin C have the effect the effect in the treatment of the skin defects such as:

• maintain the beauty & increase blood circulation, taking away oxygen-activated gene, to prevent skin aging.

• improved strongly stain human skin, fade brown spots and sun spots: prevents formation and blurring melanin pigment.

• the treatment of skin injury due to the harmful effects of the Sun.

• treatment of scarring or skin after acne device process: support the formation of collagen fibers, created the elasticity and firming the skin.

• increase the oily secretion inhibitors, se small pores.

If Vitamin C: thick Horn, skin pores are prone to bruising, bleeding, reduce the possibility of scarring associated wounds.

Vitamin C supplements properly

Vitamin C is a very extensive application in the technology of beauty for women. However, not all the extracts of Vitamin C were both offers great application as above. We should note distinguishing pure extract and Vitamin C Vitamin C used in cosmetics. Vitamin C works just the treatment of the defects of the skin when it is prepared with high content and must be transported into the deep layers of the upper floor. However, the characteristic of pure Vitamin C is unstable, difficult and prone to osmosis.

Therefore, currently, pure Vitamin C with high content generally only be used in electrical technology of ion transfer of Vitamin C.

This method works fast but fairly high cost, can cause side effects and dependent on doctors for treatment.

After years of research, the company has created products Rohto Acnes C10 with special formula contains 10% Vitamin C pure, stable and good permeability through the skin. Possibility of osmosis is the product thanks to the special formula DPI (Double-Power Infiltrate) with components transported Ethoxydiglycol take Vitamin C pure penetrate deeply into the DermIS layer of the upper floor, quickly worked to increase to create collagen, inhibit melanin formation deep scars fade. K ingredients help stable Vitamin C, hardly decomposed and jar made of special materials, minimize the harmful effects of sunlight also helps preserve products better. 94% of users appreciate the effectiveness of Acnes C10 on 5 skin problems: scarring, bruises; Melasma, freckles; grainy, rough skin; oily skin, acne; enlarged pores.


"Gift" miracle for women skin

Fuzzy solution of scars and bruises Acnes C10-special formula contains 10% Vitamin C pure. With the help of Vitamin C transporter Ethoxydiglycol reach bottom corneum layer works to increase collagen, helping create the link collagen becomes firm, the concave on the skin gradually be filled. Besides, Vitamin C helps prevent the formation of melanin creates blurring, and the bruises from that fade. 

Also, Vitamin C is associated with the component K stable Vitamin C help, hard. Vial made of special materials, minimize the harmful effects of the Sun on the solution inside.

Results clinical survey combined with hospital Dermatology HO CHI MINH CITY. HCM may 11, 2014 shows: 94% of users appreciate the effectiveness of

Acnes C10 on 5 skin problems: scarring, bruises; Melasma, freckles; grainy, rough skin; oily skin, acne; enlarged pores.

More information: tiếttruycập www.rohto.com.vn/acnesc

Gift for a handheld fashion when buying each product Acnes C10=



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