22 seriously wrong when fry cook, eat green vegetables should remove

1. Green vegetables to long

To save time, many people especially the "inhabitants" of the Office usually only go once a week for the market, buy a variety of food and vegetables on "substance" in the refrigerator. To do so, of course, very convenient, can save time but didn't know that green vegetables as possible so long as to lose more nutritious.

Green vegetables as possible so long as to lose more nutritious.

For example vegetables rich in vitamin C such as sweet vegetables, vegetables will exhausted 84% vitamin C if to 20oC temperature on trong1. If it is necessary to "hoarding" it should to stay dry, cool and without the Sun.

2. stir fry cooking time too long

The vitamins are in the very "sensitive" vegetables, cooking under fire if small in the long run, it is easy to decompose. So nutritionists recommend sauteed vegetable cooking time should not last long, it's best to heat with great fire and should not be given too much water to minimize the loss of vitamins.

3. Cut the vegetables cooking not done right

Most of the vitamins in vegetables in a status of "volatile". So after the cut vegetables are not cooked right that to in a long time, most of the vitamins will oxidize.

4. remove the vegetable leaf pick up

Some housewives have the habit of picking up the leaves when edible, vegetable processing do not ... This is the making of mistakes and wasted by the amount of vitamins in vegetables or leaves have stems, lemon is also much the same.

5. Just eat, water removal

When sauteed vegetables, nutrients in vegetables are "broken" on the end in the water, don't drink that was regrettable.

6. vegetable and cook over Poached for safe

Master Nguyen Thi my Linh, Dept. of vegetables and crops, the Vietnam vegetable Research Institute said, the habit of washing and then cook the vegetables over the Americans to guarantee the hygienic, beautiful color when feeding is not necessary, even. How this medium sized vitamins reduce the Americans lose the substance helps cancer precaution contained in vegetables.

7. Wash vegetables 3 water is clean

If the thought of just picked up fresh vegetables and wash water through 3 in pots is able to remove all the dirt, bacteria in vegetables is completely wrong.

According to Dr Phan Thanh TAM, Dept. of technology -food, Food Biotechnology Institute, Hanoi University of Science: If you think just picked up fresh vegetables and wash water through 3 in pots is able to remove all the dirt, bacteria in vegetables is completely wrong. With the washing that is hard to remove most dirt impurities as soil, garbage, parasites or microorganisms and chemical compounds such as pesticides, plant protection drugs ... that the naked eye cannot see.

8. Cut the vegetables finish wash

The best you should wash the veggies finished cut, as that will guarantee the amount of the vitamin remains intact. According to research, there are vitamins in vegetables are usually in the form of water so if chopping vegetables finish washing, you accidentally "wash" away large amounts of vitamins.

9. Peel vegetables shell removed

Many people believe that the shell is the most common vegetable, contact with contaminated soil should peel away. However according to nutrition experts, there are a number of fresh vegetables which contains more vitamin C than the stem and leaves. For example, pumpkin, radish, carrot, eggplant ... So the housewives are advised, except the tubers have a hard shell doesn't Cook software is, should not trim off Peel vegetables, just wash before processing.

10. Use low heat FRY vegetables

Vitamin C and B1 were "afraid" of hot, so when sauteed should not use small fire "om", should turn to fire. Also, for a bit of vinegar veggies will keep on being much more vitamins.

Some vegetables are suitable for eating "fresh" than such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce.

11. Cook finished not eating right

The habit of dipping vegetables after turning off the stove will lose large amounts of nutrients. So, after the dish has just finished cooking should give out the disc "cups" instantly.

12. Regularly ate salad and raw vegetables

Vegetable salad is not cooked at high temperatures, if high pesticide residue levels too will be extremely harmful for the body. So when eating salad or raw vegetables good for select what types of vegetables are not contaminated or organic vegetables, and note should not eat much.

13. Eat tomatoes before meals

Tomatoes should eat after meals.

Tomatoes should eat after meals. As such, can cause stomach acid in combination with food reduces the acidity, avoid to inflated stomach pressure leading to dilation of the stomach, easy to cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, discomfort in the stomach ...

14. Wash mushroom flavor too clean or soak water

In shiitake mushrooms contain ergosterol, after receiving the solar light will turn into vitamin d. But if before eating wash too clean or soak in the water for too long will cause the loss of many nutrients. When cooking the shiitake also cannot use iron or copper pot pot, avoid losing nutrients.

15. Eat bitter life

The bitter substances oxalic acid in bitter can interfere with the absorption of calcium in food. Therefore, before eating bitter must boil over boiling water to remove the oxalic acid. In particular, the small children need many calcium supplements should not eat too many bitter.

16. Eating too much spinach

In the spinach contains large amounts of oxalic acid, should not eat too much. Oxalic acid in the body will together with calcium and zinc, calcium oxalate and created zincoxalatedihydrate, is not easily absorbed and discharged outside, affect the absorption of calcium and zinc in gut, easy to make baby missing calcium, zinc deficiency, leading to the development of bones and teeth is not good, also influenced the development of the mind.

17. Eat more sprouting life

Sprouting is delicious, nutritious, rich in nutrients, but when eating the cooked must. If eaten raw should not eat too much. Eat more sprouting life easy do appear uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, dizziness ...

18. Store leeks have cooked the next day

Leek to overnight will become poison. Finish cooking the best lunch, should not be stored for too long. If to for too long, the amount of nitrate in which will turn into nitrite, which cause food poisoning. In addition, small children not good digestion should also not eat the leek.

19. Cook vegetables too technical

You should not cook too long.

When processing the green leafy vegetables should not cook too long. If not, the nitrate will move into nitrite nitrate, easy to make food poisoning for children. In particular, the frozen vegetables as possible should not cook too long, otherwise will lose quite a lot of nutrition.

20. the General Cooking carrots with turnips

Enzymes in the carrot can ruin completely the amount of vitamin C in radish when the two types are cooked together. So please don't ever take two types of bulbs in the same dish.

21. Vegetables cooked shallots for too long

If eating the vegetable dishes were no longer processing counterfeited those you did not acquire the nutrients from the vegetables but also can be tainted. Large concentrations of nitrate from vegetables chives will converted into nitrite toxicity effects long after the vegetables have been processed. In addition, those with digestive tract not good also should not eat raw vegetables chives.

22. Take all vegetables do mannequin

Hot summer mannequin is a lot housewives choice. But summer is also the season for pest development, green vegetables very easily infected many plant protection drugs. Homemade mannequin not cooked by the hot water so if pesticide residues in excess of the standard will be extremely dangerous for the health.

So when eating mannequin or raw vegetables should select the best vegetables native to clear or the organic vegetables, fresh vegetables were tested. Before processing should wash clean vegetables and soak in salted water for about 10 minutes time.=



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