3 ways to make delicious mango ice cream to cool refreshment on summer


The mango ice cream is soft smooth cool, will make summer heat.

-1 large mango fruit, Peel, remove the seeds

-Unsweetened condensed milk

-1 pinch of pistil Lily (if available)

-10 g of sugar

-1 cup cream

How to do:

Step 1: ¾ the place for Mango, condensed milk at least pistil saffron, sugar into Blender, pureed in about 2 minutes or until all the ingredients finely mashed.

¾ the place for Mango, condensed milk at least pistil saffron, sugar into Blender, pureed in about 2 minutes.

Step 2: Mix the cream with the mixer until the cream cotton hard.

Step 3: For the mango mixture into the cream mixture, pitches for the mango rest on. Then mix them according to the technicians fold (fold from bottom to top) until they blend into each other.

Step 4: For the ice cream into the icebox for 2 hours, then let out, mix well so there is no rubble.

For the ice cream into the icebox for 2 hours, then let out, mix well so there is no rubble.

Continue for moisturizing cream to the refrigerator more 4 hours.

Can sprinkle little Lily pistil or arbitrary honey.

Now you just have to enjoy the mango ice cream. Can sprinkle little Lily pistil or arbitrary honey!

How 2

How to make mango ice cream is easy again delicious.


-1 mango fruit

-1 cup yogurt (2-3)

-Sugar water (1 cup water, 2 cups of sugar)

-Ice cream Mold

How to do:

1. First you cut the mango into small pieces, add 1 tbsp of the sugar water into the blender.

2. Pour mango into a bowl, add 1/3 cup sour milk on the island.

3. Add 2 tablespoons of the sugar water into the bowl.

4. type were both of them up.

5. Continue, with 2/3 of the milk Bowl you mix with remaining sugar water.

6. Now, you have had the mango mixture and milk mixture, then you both the bowl into the refrigerator from 30-60 minutes for them special again.

7. Finally, he poured the mango first in, then the yogurt, mango is until almost full. Plugging rods in between, nylon tube and into the fridge for 4-6 hours is finished doing the mango yogurt ice cream.

Mango yoghurt ice cream super delicious too easily, helping you get more homemade delicious snacks at their leisure.



Photo description.

-1 ripe mango Thai fruit in small square pieces

-The pulverizer Mango or Mango concentrate 100 ml

-Fresh cream (whipping cream) 200 ml

-Fresh milk without sugar 250 ml

-Sugar (optional) 120 g

How to do:

Step 1: We will pour the fresh cream out of the bowl then beat cotton along with sugar. If you don't like sweet, you can not give way.

Step 2: Next up we pour milk out of the bowl, add the pureed mango (mango or condensed) on then all blend mixture until all is

Step 3: Then pour the mango pieces ½ finely chopped mango and milk mixture, mix well.

Step 4: We continue to pour the fresh cream to mix well with the milk mixture to form a smooth mixture. Note: you have to mix gently so as not to lose the cotton degree of hard ice cream.

Step 5: pour the cream mixture into the liquid cast iron pot, and then for the rest of the chopped mangoes in, mix well again, sealed brandishing then we're going to cream pot into the icebox refrigerator.

About 2 hours later we get the pot of cream, stir for creamy in. out then resumed for two more hours into the fridge. We will repeat the stirring the cream and leave to freeze ice cream until stiff. And after about 6 hours, then we've got a cool mango ice cream, delicious dishes right at home and

I wish you success!=



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