4 great shrimp soup delicious and nutritious summer day

1. election of Soup with shrimp

The broth is very tasty shrimp Cook elected to which simple processing.


-Elected: 2 results (300-500 g)

-Dried Shrimp: 20 g

-Onions, ngò: a little

-Sugar, salt, msg.

How to do:

Step 1: Elected to select left, Peel, rinsed, chopped strands.

Step 2: Dried shrimp washed, soft, spicy hot water for soaking.

Step 3: Onions, ngò picked up, washed, chopped.

Step 4: use enough water to a boil, pour the shrimp in. To boil 3 minutes, release the elected.

Step 5: Flavor of sugar, salt, MSG has just eaten.

Step 6: Elected nine, sprinkle, ngò. Turn off the stove.

2. How to cook shrimp sour soup

Sour soup with shrimp, shrimp and sour sweetness of the tomatoes soothe the aroma characteristic of vegetables.


Fresh shrimp (peeled): 200 g

Pineapple: 1/4 results

Tomato + Enokitake + okra

Ngò gai + ngò om + onion + garlic + Mint

Seasoning: seasoning + salt + sugar + sauce + flour article

How to do:

Step 1: Rinse shrimp, gently separate the guy wants the only black in the stoop to drain prepare to cook sour soup with shrimp.

Bước 2: Tomato + mushroom + okra + Spearmint + pineapple wash clean then chopped chunks.

Step 3: North pan up kitchen for Golden scented garlic for African oil then to little what powder into heat about 5 minutes you pour half the tomato pieces to the Pan and FRY for about 5 minutes for color.

Step 4: Pour cold water on floats. Then for the pineapple, okra and Peppermint flavoring and seasoning, sauce, sugar to taste to eat.

Step 5: When you see the boiling water evenly you pour the tomatoes sim4 great shrimp soup delicious and nutritious summer dayr for about 5 minutes, pour the shrimp to pot wait to see the shrimp pink, you switch off the kitchen.

Scoop out the shrimp sour soup bowls then for onion and ngò up on decoration for fascinating.

Sour soup with shrimp, shrimp and sour sweetness of the tomatoes soothe the aroma characteristic of vegetables.

3. Farming sweet cooked shrimp

This soup hot with hot rice is very tasty.


-1 bunch of fresh innovation

-200 g shrimp

-Salt, seasoning.

-1 small ginger branch, the pilgrims.

How to do:

Step 1: Vegetables bought on the original cut, washed, spaced several feet apart small pieces just to eat.

-Shaved Ginger Peel, Julienne onions, chopped washed flowers.

Step 2: Clean shrimp, peeling off, peeling back his retire4 great shrimp soup delicious and nutritious summer daynt, just paste, marinated 1 spoon cafe seasoning.

Step 3: heat the cooking oil, aromatic ginger and onion and then pilot for shrimp stir-fry nine

Step 4: Next up you pour the water into the pot, Bowl 3 boiled for vegetables, flavor taste. Sim4 great shrimp soup delicious and nutritious summer dayr until vegetables quinces, then turn off the stove.

Scoop out the bowl, use hot with stea4 great shrimp soup delicious and nutritious summer dayd rice.

Only with very simple steps as above we had soup vegetables Cook great shrimp to enjoy.

4. cooking shrimp and seaweed Soup

Try cooking this sea to strengthen the health for all.


Dry seaweed-30gr

Black tiger shrimp-200gr

Improve ngồng-100gr

Tofu-1 piece

Carrot-1/2 cu

Ginger-1 branch

Spices-just enough (salt, pepper, seasoning)

Preliminary processing of raw materials

The shrimp peeled (* provided * tail section), veined in back, wash. Marinated with 1/2 spoons of seasoning

Pickled seaweed blooms, remove drain, cut about 4 cm

Vegetables the old, yellow, pick up ngồng, washed, cut 4 cm long by seaweed

Cut 1 cm square pieces of immature beans, ginger carrot strands, cut Julienne

How to do:

If there is water, the water used to cook the soup for the sweet, if not the you can use filtered water, add 1 table spoon of seasoning to boil, Add shrimp, carrots and ngồng conversion into boiling cooking.

Then for the seaweed on the island, and then drop the beans and Ginger into julienne, flavoring spice back to the taste and mild island and off the kitchen. Scoop out soup bowls, use hot.

The soup after cooking is finished here. Try cooking this sea to strengthen the health for all.

I wish you success!=



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