4 medium sized delicious dishes added back very nicely from Balut

1. Balut FRY me

Balut stir-fry dishes are very delicious and nutritious.


-4 result Balut

-100 ml of water

-½ Cup tamarind juice

-1 tablespoon chili

-2 tablespoons sugar

-1 tablespoon of fish sauce

-½ TSP seasoning

-Crispy fried Dough

-Persicaria, garlic, peppers

-A little spicy peanut paste

How to do:

-Boiled eggs shell removed, peeled cooked drained. When boiled in a pot 1 teaspoon salt to the egg does not break.

-When the egg has drained, egg rolling through a layer of crispy fried dough and give in to the frying pan slightly Golden.

-Non-aromatic chopped garlic, ½ Cup of tamarind juice, small for the same 100 ml water, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon chili paste, ½ TSP seasoning and 1 tablespoon sauce into the pan. Tamarind juice mixture just boils, drop the egg into the fire, down quietly. When the sauce matches back and surrounded the eggs off the kitchen, vegetables chopped into fart.

2. Balut applying tunnel

This dish is considered by many the favorite.


-Balut: depending on number of people

-Applying: 1 small bunch

-Drug Packages North used to chicken stew: 1 Pack

How to do:

-Balut boiled over (just boiled eggs to boil for about 1 minute). Then remove the peeling bark.

-Applying picked up the washed, drained.

-Drug Packages North used to tunnel through the wash also offers chicken, drained.

-For the package of drugs North into the pot, pour water, boil for about 10 minutes.

-For applying into the pot leaf smoking then boil for about 2 minutes and then for next to Balut. Flavor and security in about 10 minutes at low heat. Finally the wedge into the slow cooker a little seasoning and then turn off the stove.

Tips: If not afraid affect the aesthetic, then no need to boil over. Just do these steps as on, after removing the leaves into the pot, then applying the batter always Balut lives on.

Not so for the duck eggs into steaming from the start because when the egg is boiled too long eating will be hard.

3. chicken Hotpot Balut

This dish looks so attractive.



-Chicken, pork bone

-Drug Package getting to hot pot cooking

-Applying Vegetable, spinach, squeezed noodles, seasoning with onions, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, sweet powder, fish sauce, lime juice, cooking oil.

How to do:

-Ninh pork bone retrieved using water. Garlic onion has little aromatic non-wedge, salt, sugar, MSG, sauce taste. For packages of drugs North to the broth.

-Boiled eggs, remove the basket.

-Empty the water into the pot, beating eggs into boiling. Chicken, vegetables, noodles for the forks up. When eating dip meat, vegetables, noodles.

4. crispy fried Balut

Crispy fried Balut with a crispy outer shell soft inside, sweet rụm.



-Crispy fried Dough

-Ginger, capsicum, persicaria

How to do:

-For Balut on boil with cold water, do not need nine agronomists boiled eggs exactly because later stages more fried eggs should just boil about 7-10 minutes, then picked the eggs out and peeled.

-For platters and egg roll out dough into dish of flour, prepared flour available for sticking to the egg, each closed 5 minutes for the powder is deposited on the egg.Waiting for the old boiling oil drop eggs into FRY, FRY crispy egg will oil flooded the well and not too much oil cause with osmosis.

-Persicaria rinse drain, cut crust just shaved ginger.

-Crispy fried Balut with a crispy outer shell soft inside, rụm sweet, this is healthy and very suitable for breakfast.=



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