5 delicious and nutritious breakfast dishes that are extremely simple and don't need to spend money on restaurants

Bread shumai


- 500gr ground pork - 1 box of ham = 220gr (bought in a supermarket) - 1 tbsp of tomato sauce (bought in a supermarket) - 3 tomatoes (500gr) finely chopped - 1 teaspoon minced garlic; 1 minced shallot

- Spices: 1 teaspoon seasoning; 1 tbsp fish sauce; 1 tbsp of sugar; 1 tbsp oyster sauce; 1 teaspoon pepper - 500ml - 700ml chicken bone water or fresh or cold coconut water - 1 chopped onion; 1 tbsp of chopped white onion.


Pork mince, ham, spices, mix well. Then put the balls into a ball. Cook a pot of boiling water, put the meat dish in the steamer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, remove the meat plate.

Fry the pan on the stove, add 1 tbsp of oil, wait until the oil is hot and stir-fry garlic onion. Then the tomatoes with tomato sauce and sauté 5-7 minutes for tomatoes to color.

Next, bring the water and spices to boil. Finally, all steamed meat and gravy are cooked in the simmer for about 15 minutes for the nice red meat, taste again to taste and turn off the stove.

Toasted pate bread then tossed with a little sauce and a little sauce, with a little cucumber, cilantro, onions is complete.

Quang noodles


- 500g of pork bone (choose the shoulder bone, tail bone of many meat) - 300g of fresh squid - 200g of fresh shrimp - 300g of fresh coated instant noodles - 200g of egg noodles - 1 liter of fresh coconut water - 1 garlic; 2 peppers; 3 stems lemongrass - 1 tbsp of colored cashews - Roasted peanuts - Lettuce, bean sprouts, onions. - Spices: delicious fish sauce, pepper, salt, seasoning, sugar.


Pork bones washed, cut to taste, drain. Blanch over boiling water and drain out. Lemongrass, finely chopped chili and garlic.

Shrimp, squid cleaned, washed and drained. Put ½ minced garlic, lemongrass, chili with fish sauce, seasoning, sugar, pepper and ½ canned soup (bought from the supermarket) in marinated pork and shrimp bones and squid for 20 minutes.

North pan on the stove, add oil and then cashew nuts to get colored cashew water. Next, add the remaining ½ of garlic, lemongrass, and chili and stir fry pork until stir-fry and scoop it aside.

With that pan, you quickly stir fry shrimp and squid and set aside. After that, the pork bones are sautéed in a pot and coconut water cooked until the bones are soft.

Next, add shrimp and squid, season to taste again, add the remaining ½ cup of soup to the pot to color and fragrant the broth. Boil boiling water, cook noodles and egg noodles for 2 minutes, then remove and drain.

Raw vegetables washed, drained. Bean sprouts picked up the roots, washed and drained. Roasted peanuts. Put square noodles, egg noodles and bean sprouts in a bowl. Scoop shrimp, squid, pork bone on top and then pour the broth into the bowl, sprinkle peanuts, add finely chopped onions (optional).

The rich broth, squid shrimp taste, fresh and the noodles are soft, chewy and eaten with fresh green vegetables that is delicious.

Eggs and mushrooms - a harmonious flavor combination


1 egg

600 grams of sliced ​​mushrooms

40 grams of kale

1/2 teaspoon oil

1/2 tsp minced garlic

Kinds of spice


Put the oil in a pan, wait until the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and cook until golden Then stir fry mushrooms until soft, add kale and mix well. Tasting spices to taste. Beat the egg in the pan and leave it on for a minute to turn it off.

Fruit oat yogurt - eat breakfast according to your taste but still healthy


Depending on your personal preferences and where you live, you can choose to vary the fruits and nuts for your breakfast menu. This is a breakfast based on the Healthy Breakfast formula of Greece - prepared quickly but guaranteed to provide enough protein for the body.

1 box of yogurt

1 banana

3 fresh strawberries

1/2 kiwifruit

About 10 blueberries

4-5 tablespoons oats

Chia seeds or sunflower seeds (or other nuts if any)


Fruit sliced ​​into small slices to taste. Put yogurt in a cup or bowl. Then put the oats on top, arrange the fruit nicely, put the chia seeds on top and the soda, you're ready for breakfast! Just delicious eyes and delicious again!

Vegetable soup for busy day

If there are lots of leftover tubers in your kitchen cupboard, why not combine them into a nutritious soup the next morning?


1/2 carrot

1/2 potato

1 egg

2 teaspoons tapioca starch

Chicken broth

A little celery

Kinds of spice


Carrot and diced potatoes are then put in a pot of broth, beat eggs in a bowl and stir well, dilute tapioca with plain water, chopped celery.

Wait for the soft tubers to pour all the remaining ingredients into the pot, season to taste and stir for about 1 minute before turning off the heat. Note that the egg is slowly poured into the pot so it does not clump. Scoop the soup into a bowl and sprinkle some pepper, you can eat it!



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