Attractive hot pot sauce brewing tips as also found

The principle of using spices

Sugar: brown sugar then subdued and warmer than white sugar, however with the white sugar you can up to make intermittent distillation and create color, when the distillation you should pay attention to the road is the only candy only, i.e. flow medium and yellow only and not to be bitter at the start line.

Hot pot sauce would make a feature of hot pot.

Sauce: depending on your personal preferences you can choose traditional sauce with high protein levels or types of sauce with low protein levels and relatively pale are selling lots on the market. Choose the type of sauce being brackish or harsh but strong, have you tried several types and then select the appropriate type.

Tart: combine rice vinegar should 5% and lemon according to the ratio of 1:1, the more delicious vinegar has an affective, and certain deep lemon scented cool again also create appetite.

The general rule in the mixing sauce is brewed according to the ratio of 1:1: 1 salt, sweet and sour and then adjust if necessary. Sour and sweet and then hitting the balance test, then add more sauce, finally is water (or chicken broth or water coconut). Chopped garlic/chili and lemon vinegar dip that eat or make new food. Sauce for garlic chili and yet be able to in the fridge for 2 weeks, if used, you just mix available for on the bottle, to in the fridge and then as needed, depending on the dish that tweaking a bit more.

Mixing sauce

Seafood hotpot

To put the seafood consisted of the following ingredients: half a table spoon of seasoning, 1/4 spoon bread, 1/4 spoons of white salt, mustard green, a little bit of pepper powder, fresh lemon, fresh peppers.

Beef hot pot and Jambalaya

Four spoons of soy sauce, sugar, 1/4 spoon half spoon bread sliced peppers, garlic, pepper. If you don't want garlic too do famous ACE the aroma of food, garlic should only be sliced instead of shredding.

Chicken hot pot hot pot or stinging

Two spoons of sugar, spoon half of sauce, 1/4 tea spoon fresh garlic, peppers, Satay sliced, 1/2 lemon squeezed water.=



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