Beans spicy sauce for the dark winter feast take mouth

(Phunutoday)-spice sauce tofu, brown yellow or green color. More lovely fragrant smell of the Chamber they the spices and sweet fragrant smell of corn flour sauce.

[links] Ingredients:

-2 cakes tofu are Thai square pieces

-1 bell pepper

-2 large onions

-4 green peppers

-1 tablespoon chopped garlic ginger cafe

In the winter cold, a plate of tofu with spicy sauce will help bring the evening feast and rich in energy.

-1 tbsp soy sauce

-1 tablespoon green pepper sauce cafe

-1 scoop of powder cafe tomato or tomato sauce

-2 tbsp cooking oil

-1/2 tablespoons sugar cafe

-1 tbsp cornstarch

-Salt seasoning Marinated sauce:

Mix all the following mixture to form the sauce:

-3 tablespoons of flour

-2 tbsp corn flour

-1 tablespoon pepper cafe

-1 tablespoon chopped garlic cafe

-A little salt


Drop pieces of white beans were cut into rectangular pieces into the bowl of sauce. To soak them in water on sauce for about 5 minutes.

The steps taken 1. Drop the piece of white beans were cut into rectangular pieces into the bowl of sauce. To soak them in water on sauce for about 5 minutes. 2. North Pan onto the stove, add 3-4 tablespoons cooking oil into the Pan and let the pieces of tofu on frying pans are 2 sides until golden brown beans.

North Pan onto the stove, add 3-4 tablespoons cooking oil into the Pan and let the pieces of tofu on frying pans are 2 sides until golden brown beans

3. When the beans were fried golden, you remove them to a plate and put on paper oil repellent so quickly and drain the oil. You can also fry the beans slightly burning the edge a bit nor matter what, it's still totally very good. 4. Still in the Pan you just remove the beans out, now you add chopped onion, green pepper and red pepper. Stir-fry onion and peppers through about 2-3 minutes.

When the pieces were Golden fried beans, you remove them to a plate and put on paper oil repellent

5. Next, turn on the stove to heat and add the soy sauce, chili, sugar and tomato sauce on. You just fry them so with fire to within about 30 seconds until all the food mixed together then turn fire on medium or low to liu riu.

Add chopped onion, green pepper and red pepper to Pan fry through about 2-3 minutes.

6. Continue to add pieces of fried gold has to the Pan and add cornstarch sauce into the bowl. At this time you should see tasting beans this sauce had just the mouth yet. If they are still pale, you can add more salt to the spice.

Turn on the stove to heat and add the soy sauce, chili, sugar and tomato sauce on.

Stir and continue to simmer for about 3-4 minutes until the sauce has to infuse into the tofu pieces golden brown. Note: Tofu sauce spices are yellow to brown or blue. More aromatic smell of the spices them up and smell the sweet fragrant of cornstarch sauce.

Continue to add pieces of fried gold has to the Pan and add cornstarch sauce Bowl

Add a spice sauce sizzling tofu on the evening of the feast day of the East are extremely fit. They not only help in Exchange for the members but also members of the House you are warm with the dish spicy.

This dish not only help in Exchange for the members but also members of the House you warm with this spicy dish

Good you have dinner brought rice with tofu sauce spices!




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