Boil the surface just drop this, make sure the meat is juicy, increase the nutrients 10 times more

1. How to choose a fresh surface

To choose a surface that is fresh and firm, first you see with the eyes, the surface is still fresh, the surface is strong, the foot is kicking hard, kicking strongly. Look at it shiny.

The second is when you hold your hand, the surface is fresh, I'm sure. Besides, the way for you to recognize the surface of the egg is to turn it over and over, if the belly has red streaks on the tail you should choose because it is the egg surface, and the egg surface will be better, eat in will be more muddy and more greasy. And if you can buy the surface of the egg, you should boil or roast to ensure the deliciousness of the egg of this seafood.

2. Delicious surface boiled tips


- Surface

- Scallions, ginger


Buy surface to clean, then put in a pot with a few slices of ginger and scallions to help the surface more fragrant, not fishy when boiled.

Then add some water to the surface, noting that the water must be cold. No hot water because when boiling, the surface will be unevenly cooked, the meat will not be tender.

Turn on the stove, boil the surface for 3 minutes or a little longer until the surface is cooked, then turn off the heat. Do not boil the surface for too long will cause the meat to dry, shrink, the shell is also very hard. When eating there is no feeling of freshness.

The way to peel off the surface is also very simple. Use scissors to cut off the top of the surface (or keep it if you want), turn the belly of the surface upside-down (to make it very soft, difficult to cut), then use a handle to slightly tilt the surface, the other hand holding scissors cut along the two rows of legs on both sides. Remove the scissors, remove the crust with your hands, at this point you take out the meat and then just enjoy.

The surface of the dipping sauce of chili or lemon pepper mixed with mustard is delicious.



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