Charming 3 cool bar, delicious soup from results of contract law

1. Shrimp Cook star fruit

Photo description.


-200 g fresh prawns

-1 Golden fruit tart

-1 tomatoes

-Some vegetables my branch, the smell of the ship

-1-2 leaves Los

-Green onions, salt, seasoning, sauce, dried onion.

How to do:

Step 1:

Fresh shrimp cut off the leg, keep the shrimp, rinse to clean.

Step 2:

Star fruit pickles, tomatoes, washed, contract law cut off the edge, circle, tomato citrus tonic cau.

Step 3:

Leaves Los washed, finely chopped.

Step 4:

My ship, the smell of vegetables washed, finely chopped.

Step 5:

Next heat the two small spoons cooking oil, dried shrimp, pour aromatic astronauts on sautéed ripe persimmon.

Then for the deed, the tomatoes on the same island, about 2 minutes.

Step 6:

Add to the pot about two bowls of the water filter, boil, season with salt, a small spoon into two small spoon small spoon half of sauce, seasoning, flavoring boil again depending on your taste.

Step 7:

Sprinkle vegetable mixture off the kitchen, smell my ship, leaves the Los in the pot, bring large bowls soup eaten with rice.

2. Align anabas Cook star fruit

Select the result serves as fresh to processed.


-500 g anabas

-500 g fresh Carambola fruit

-2 tomatoes

-A teaspoon of minced garlic

-1 soup spoon me

-4 soupspoon of sugar

-2 spoons of seasoning

-1 table spoon cooking oil

-My ship, the smell of onions, chillies, Horn.

How to do:

-Guest perch scales, clean, scrape off the lubricant. Star fruit washed, cut off the ring, thinly sliced. Wash the tomatoes, chopped areca time zone. Cook to boiling water, for me to get water, remove the seeds, then for the fish to cook.

This is a cool bar for summer soup.

-Drop the tomatoes into boiling water, flavor, taste, for contract law on and off the kitchen. Sprinkle with onions, finely chopped thorns ngò ngò om. Aromatic garlic gold for Africa at the sliced Chili, add a few horns.

3. Cook clam Broth contract law

Golden sour clam soup to add richness, you can incorporate more pineapple, okra, green asparagus tart.


-Fresh: 500 g Clams, soaked in water to wash the rice for about two hours, rinse.

-Sour star fruit: 2 results

-Tomatoes: 2 result-onions, coriander, onion

-Spice: cooking oil, noodles, seasoning

How to do:

-Wash the tomatoes, citrus sour star fruit Peel, areca Thai quit the Thai star then clean the rims. Put batter onion chopped.

-Non-aromatic tomato with the same bit of shallot oil, season with a little spice.

-A boil water just enough to make broth. For the tomato was ripe for thêmkhế, and then fried pickles.

-When the water is boiling again, ngao in the pot. Wait open mouth clam is nine.

-Seasoning for just the mouth, and then turn off the stove, add a little onion, you already have a pot steaming clam soup fragrant.

I wish you success!=



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