Deadly mistakes when flavor, it should be removed immediately

Marinated pepper on foods before cooking

Avoid marinated pepper on foods before cooking.

The housewives have the habit of marinated pepper on foods before cooking to create a fragrance to the dish. However, pepper cooked at high temperature will quickly lose the characteristic aroma, especially born carcinogens. Therefore, it is best advised to sprinkle pepper when the food was cooked.

Use the mustard to marinated food

Mustard which has the effect of reduction of fishy smell of aquatic products and stimulate the taste buds. However, absolutely do not use mustard to marinated food or do a fever for the flavor enzyme substance because the mixing dish of mustard is very easy to decompose at high temperature, from which was born the carcinogens.

Marinated in sauce ingredients for stew

Sauce has a sweet taste of amino acids created during the process of biodegradable materials make sauce. If cooked or too technical security can lose the amino acids so just Cook in an appropriate time ensures enough food nine.

The wedge their way into food at high temperature

Both lines create sweetness just created color for food. But when the temperature is high, the road will be vulnerable to caramelization makes food that brown black, bitter loss sweet aromatic levels as well as the aesthetic of the dish. So, for fried, poached or fried dishes, only to fire 170° C-200° C, food will be Brown cockroach wings just right is very attractive.

For cinnamon and anise on cooking oil is boiling

For cinnamon in cooking oil are boiled fried food will do.

For cinnamon, anise on cooking oil is boiling will cause burning, pungent dishes and bitter taste. Therefore, it should be noted if using cinnamon in the form of a tree, you should tell them to when raw and marinated at Cook to take advantage off the scent. Also if used in powder form, you should with a little water.

Add oil into water boiled macaroni

You may have heard of adding oil to the water boil macaroni to them not getting back together with the bottom of the pot. Although this is true, but it would kind of go a certain nutrient content of macaroni and add unnecessary calories. Instead, hold your water for boiling pasta always to constantly move around and stir it frequently will help y'all pastas.

Use olive oil when cooking

Butter and margarine are high in fat are harmful while olive oil contained the full amount of unsaturated fats are good for the body, but not homologous with the calories are in butter intake respectively. Therefore, to ensure the necessary calories then you should not use the olive oil while cooking.=



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