DON'T SHARE THE SHRIMP in the traditional way anymore, variations in this way ensure both PLANTING, PLANTING

Noodles are always an effective tool to combat hunger in the fastest and most compact way possible, but that doesn't mean you can't be creative with your noodles. If you are bored with traditional pasta boxes, try variations right away with these new ways of cooking.

Shrimp noodles wrapped in crisps


-2 potatoes

- 1 pack of shrimp noodles; 20 gr butter; 1 minced onion;

- 1/2 finely chopped carrots; 1 teaspoon of minced garlic; 1 minced purple onion; 1/2 teaspoon pepper

- 1 finely chopped green onion branch

- 2 chicken eggs beat; 1 cup of fried flour


- Steamed peeled potatoes cooked well. Shrimp noodles are soaked in cold water for 10 minutes to soften, then remove the basket to drain.

- Potatoes, shrimp noodles, carrots along with all ingredients such as onions, garlic, pepper, butter . and the seasoning package of instant noodles to mix. The martial arts teacher is big and small.

- Dip the potato into the egg, then roll over the fried dough. North pan of oil on the stove, hot oil gives the potato chips to fry with medium heat, when the yellow potatoes are crispy, take out the dish with oil-soaked paper.

- Presentation: Potato, crispy fried noodles for plate. This dish is served with delicious sweet and sour sauce

Fried shrimp noodles with cheese


- 1 pack of shrimp noodles

- 1 egg

- 50g smooth grated parmesan cheese

- Grape seed oil (you can replace it with other oil)

- 100g of crushed cheese

- A little bit of finely chopped kimchi

- Butter


- Boil water and add noodles to boil according to the instructions of the package. Then put the noodles in a bowl, let it cool for about 10 minutes.

- Pour noodles into the mixing bowl, add eggs and parmesan cheese. Lightly turn the ingredients together. Requires all noodles to be covered with a layer of eggs and cheese.

- Pour noodles with eggs and butter into a mold to make a pillow (long form). Use the spatula on the bottom of the mold, wrap the wrap, wrap it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

- Put the bread out of the refrigerator, remove the wrapper, use a sharp knife to carefully cut the block because it is a rectangle made in two, into two squares.

- Heat cooking oil in a large pan at medium temperature. You can also replace oil with butter. Using a spoon, gently remove the square noodles from the mold and place in a frying pan. Fry each side until golden, about 3 minutes.

You can also use the egg frying tool to flip the noodles without breaking. Sprinkle on sliced ​​cheese and kimchi noodles. Fried the remaining face until golden.

- Pour two pieces of noodles together, press lightly to let the cheese melt.

Pizza noodles with shrimp


- 1 pack of shrimp noodles

- 1 bell pepper

- 1 chicken egg

- 1 sausage

- 100g cheese

- Spices: butter, salt, pepper, tomato sauce


- Blanch with hot water for soft noodles and evenly spread each fiber should not leave noodles too long in the water because the noodles will be crushed and affect the taste.

- Chicken eggs beat into a bowl, then beat to dissolve and mix with pasta noodles. After that, you add pepper and salt to the mix to make the pizza more tasty.

- North pan on the stove for the butter to heat, when the butter melts evenly, put the noodles in the pan evenly, press down and fry evenly, both sides will help the pizza noodles delicious, more beautiful.

- After frying shrimp noodles, put tomato sauce on top and spread evenly to the sauce to cover the whole layer of noodles. Turn up hot dogs, cheeses and bell peppers one after another, in addition to adding meat, seafood or favorite vegetables.

- Put the lid on the pan and fry until the cheese runs out. In case you have a microwave oven, you can put pizza noodles in the oven so it will save time.

Shrimp noodles mixed with squid


- 2 packs of instant noodles

- 1 sliced ​​red onion, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon water

- 100 gr fresh squid, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup of beans


Fish sauce, sugar, lemon juice, water, red onion, chili and garlic are all mixed into the bowl.

The beans are chopped. Cut the shredded tomatoes. Ink washes thin slices long. Boil the water, add the squid to the boiled water with a little salt. Take the ink off the bowl.

Packed noodles in boiling water 1 minute 30 seconds. Then pour the noodles into a basket to drain. Instant noodles, squid, tomatoes, beans, etc. Pour fish sauce and mix well.

Add shrimp noodles and squid to the plate. Decorate some coriander stalks. This dish is simple but it is very delicious.



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