Eat chicken noodle for fresh onions BORN DISEASE, take 1 minute to quit immediately before it's too late

Chicken and onion

Onions are healthy spices, but they are taboo foods with chicken. Chicken is temperate, while onion is orange, when combined at the same time it is easy to cause blood damage and easy to dysentery. Those who have a habit of eating chicken with onions should quit immediately.

Chicken and laksa leaves

Lettuce is often prepared in milling chicken dishes. In fact, combining these two items together is not healthy. Lettuce has a very good effect on strengthening muscles and eyesight. However, the consequences of eating a lot are making men lose their sexual desire. When combined with chicken, they create substances that are harmful to the digestive system.

Eating chicken should not be combined with fresh onions

Chicken and veggies

Few people cook together marjoram and chicken but men have a habit of eating raw vegetables (including marjoram) when drinking. Just like sesame salt, chicken meat served with marjoram will cause dizziness or itchiness in the body.

Chicken and vegetables

Roasted vegetables, warmed chicken if combined together will easily cause dysentery because of the 'fighting' between hot and cold.

Chicken and garlic meat together

Chicken and garlic meat

Many regions have a habit of eating pickled chicken with a few pieces of garlic, especially men prefer this combination.

However, according to Oriental medicine, the chicken is sweet and warm; garlic heat; welding behavior if combined together will increase heat or cold hot, causing blood gas damage.




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