Heal like tomatoes, but processing in this way is harmful

Do not eat tomato seeds

The habit of housewives often uses both tomato skins and seeds in cooking. But according to nutrition experts, tomato seeds as well as guava seeds, in the intestinal tract, cannot be digested. Besides, in the process of transporting food from the intestinal tract, people are afraid it will enter the appendix, causing appendicitis to you.

Do not eat tomatoes when hungry

One of the rules to remember when not eating tomatoes when hungry, because pectin and phenolic resins are rich in tomatoes. When you eat tomatoes when you are hungry, these substances can react with acids, which can greatly affect your stomach.

Do not eat tomatoes and cucumbers together

When your stomach consumes these substances, it can cause vomiting, abdominal pain. Therefore, housewives absolutely do not eat tomatoes while hungry, especially for cases of fat reduction with tomatoes.

Do not cook tomatoes thoroughly

In the nutritional composition of tomatoes contains vitamin C, vitamin E . very good for the human body. But when cooked for too long at a high temperature, these substances will evaporate and disappear, causing the loss of nutrients and less delicious tomatoes.

In addition, when you eat tomatoes that are no longer nutritious, it can cause poisoning of cold food, 'gagging mouth', which is harmful to health.

Do not combine tomatoes and cucumbers

Many salads of mannequin usually combine tomatoes and cucumbers together but this method is completely wrong. Cucumber contains a catabolic enzyme, which destroys the vitamin C content found in other vegetables.

Do not eat tomato seeds

In the nutritional composition of tomatoes is a vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamin C. When housewives combine these two foods, the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes will be decomposed and destroyed by the The catabolic enzyme found in cucumber loses its inherent nutritional value.



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