How to boil the white pig heart, eat crunchy lumpy, delicious than the hotel

How to choose a delicious

When you want to have a delicious dish, you should choose the young heart of the pig or be bitter so when buying, you should go to the market early, choose the type of head, baby's stalk, tight and round intestine, pink white, inner fluid color. white milk, it is a premium dish to choose.

With thin hearts, the fluid inside is yellow and large, especially the type of heart mixed with blood rays will be tough and bitter.

How to clean the heart

To have delicious boiled dishes, you must know how to make a good heart. Many housewives often make the mistake of being too clean to make the heart eat well. Housewives do not need to turn their hearts or squeeze repeatedly with salt, wine, ginger to eliminate odors. When you are done cleaning, boil it before you can taste a crispy crisp white.

How to boil delicious

If the heart has a lot of fat, you should remove this layer of fat so that the heart is not too tired. However, you should not remove all the white grease that makes the dish less delicious. Finally, use lemon to rub the pig's intestines to clean up any residual dirt that will completely stop the odor.

Boiled delicious heart

Step 1: Prepare a bowl of cold water mixed with a few drops of fresh lemon

Step 2: Then, you boil water vigorously and then release your heart. This is one of these steps to determine whether your appetite is good or not. Then put your heart in cold water and then boil, thus making the heart less susceptible to toughness. If you put your heart into the boiling water, the heart will become more ripe and crunchy.

Delicious crispy young hearts lumpy

Step 3: You should add a little ginger to taste better for food. When the water boils again, boil for another 3-4 minutes, then pick out a much better food.

Step 4: Next, please remove your heart and drop immediately into the bowl of lemon juice squeezed with lemon. This action will cause the food to cool suddenly and the acidity will help the heart become crispy white. Boiled heart dish with basil, fish sauce mixed with ginger, chili, lemon makes the dish much more delicious.



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