How to cook pork Pan delicious pole

Here's how the pork dishes extremely tasty Pan not least what to buy are also found. And more special is that you don't need to use the oven, you still have the meat delicious spin for all to enjoy.


-Fresh pork, intact packs

-Garlic, shallot

-Spices, seasoning, whole spice

-Cooking oil

How to do:

The pork dish is the tuna are many families Free choice for the family feast.

Bacon clean shaved hairless in packs, to raw Whopper, for in boilers. Note for the envelope down to the bottom of the pot. Boil in boiling water for about 3-5 minutes. Picked out the drain. A dry absorbent part.

Take the fork or sharp knife stabbed pig DermIS hand crushed. Crashing as thoroughly as possible.

After a ragged meat, marinated with envelope stab dried onion, garlic powder, spices, slamming beats the wedge, the five spice. Marinated within 2-3 hours to infuse the meat was all spices.

North oil pan, the estimate for the oil flooded about 2/3 the thickness of the piece of meat. When the sparkling oil then for the meat on, put the envelope down portion to fry before, to fire to give the envelope to be brittle bloom. (Note: When for fried meat, garlic and the onions whisked off memory again, if not, onions garlic will be black when the fire, fried meat together).

When the dermis, Bloom's new flip meat balls are gold face rest. Nine gold, remove meat out paper liner for absorbent plates drain grease. This action at the new oil into the Pan, non-aromatic garlic gold, remove, sprinkle top of meat.

Move out coming up with hot white rice, disk, add a cup of chili garlic sauce or ma-gi, a taste of melon disk option wealth or scallion tart, correct beams salt. ... serve hot will see envelope part crunchy, soft and fragrant meat rụm not inferior to eat restaurant.

How 2


-Bacon: 300gr

-Sesame: 1 pinch

-Shallot, garlic, Lemongrass, broth powder, seasoning, sesame oil, lime juice, sugar, pepper, oil

-Chili powder (not necessary)

How to do:

This dish is much o love.

-Garlic, onions, Lemongrass peeling bark removed, washed, chopped.

-Blanched Bacon over boiling water, wash, use a toothpick poke sharp around the surface of the piece of meat. Marinated meat with onions, garlic and minced lemon grass along a little pepper, oil, soup, seasoning, chili powder (depending on ability to eat spicy). To the meat to cool the refrigerator compartment to about 1-2 hours to infuse meat marinade.

-Take the meat from the refrigerator out for clean, smooth surface of meat marinated in spices (pure Paws to when FRY not burned black). For the meat to the Pan (no need for cooking oil) module at low heat for the meat of nine gold are 2 sides.

-To reduce, cold cuts of meat into pieces of truth slim.

-For the meat in the bowl and then into the meat a little sugar, pepper, soup powder, sesame oil, a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all, to infuse meat marinated in spices.

The pork dish Pan very aromatic, tasty and very giving.

When eat, for Bacon pan out the disk, Sprinkle sesame over it, mix well and then along both enjoy with hot rice.

I wish you success!=



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