How to make cake with delicious, beautiful pole pole Letter Tet


Tét cake letter currently bring to the novelties for the cake with the tradition.

-Sticky delicious plasticity

-Green Beans, pineapple leaves

-Coconut, white sugar, salt.

-Banana leaves

-Mould shaped stainless steel letters

How to do:

1. choose the type of flexible, delicious fragrant Glutinous soaked with warm water and salt, about 6 hours, remove and rinse with cold water, drained. Pineapple leaves, washed marbled leaves, finely xau purple juice obtained, remove the excess. Then, nếpđược private mix with water and pineapple leaf cam foliage.

Choose the type of flexible, delicious fragrant glutinous soaked with warm water and salt for about 6 hours.

Fine leaf cam for purple glutinous, sticky pineapple leaves blend to fine green freshness, light scent. Folds are mixed with water and Pandan leaves cam/coconut flavoring, sugar for sweetness, mouth medium sauteed on the stove the fire about 1 hour for the cam leaves as well as infuse coconut filled glutinous, granular when packages to increase fat and shorten cooking time.

2. soak the Green about 3 hours. map, mash with sugar to medium mouth and roll smooth to form single cylinder diameter is about 6-7 cm, diameter must be less than the diameter of the cam!

You spread out sticky, use a circular mold to cut into individual slices of cake.

After the finished cam sauteed glutinous, you give out spread on clean flat surface, then roll to the vocal folds into cylinder, diameter approx. 8-9 cm. Or you spread out sticky, use a circular mold to cut into individual slices of cake. Note that the right to truth, the Red circled glutinous grains sticking together so the new words emerge without being stages left folds out!

You can use the sharp knife tip to mold carved letters.

Then you cut the Red blow into the thick bread slices about 3 cm, the claws are delineated so that each cake is plump in the fringed edge.Then, you use the stereotypes of Indian letters deep into each cake circled the letters to form a word in red circles. Or you can use the sharp knife tip to mold carved letters. Note to skillfully in this step to real words brief, square are beautiful!

3. The section also green chopped into each mold then use the circled letters to cut text, so that when placed into the mold the sticky part purple marbled words then fit and ragged breaks. To do this, you must compress the green part for tight.

Also a green part into each mold then use the circled letters to cut letters.

Then you press lightly to give word on the mold for this beautifully.

Press lightly to give word on the mold for this beautifully.

4. Do the same with the other letters to transplant into the good sense. Often people will do the following for the cake with words: LET'S PLAY like Italy, LOC FORTUNE, tons of YOUR TAN PHU QUY SENIORS, BARBARA, TAN XUAN PHUC-LOC, MERRY-THO ... Each font includes tét cake circled digit different to transplant into good sentences. So, with the way each circled letter as above, you make do with other letters.

5. Then, with the sticky part of the leaves of pineapple have fry before, you are staging the banana leaves for prahok. Banana leaf rinse, wipe dry. Folded neatly delineated tét cake ever up the sticky part pineapple leaves. Note, you classed turn from the first letter in the sentence wish! For example the word Loc Phat then you folded the letter P first, then to the letter H, A, T. ..

Stacking the cake like this.

We're going to be the blow wheel neatly as the below!


6. Then, you roll back the cam by the sticky Strip leaves outside, rolled to the left and then Word airtight prahok!

Roll back the entire cam by the sticky strips, pineapple leaves outside.

You then use the get sachets LAT line tướt cake with fresh bananas from the fuselage package along with banana leaves are delighting human exposure, available and wipe dry to create toughness when tét cake, cake packages are wrapped with wire that is salty when cooked, fine wire, LAT swells also bloom according to blow the cake, each cake will sit and very beautiful eyes.

If carefully more than roughly the thickness of the slices of cake to the LAT column marks on the gear blow! As such, when everyone will enjoy easy to cut the cake right circled over!

You then use the get sachets LAT line tướt cake with fresh bananas from the fuselage package along with banana leaves are delighting human.

7. Complete prahok signature. Now to the part with the word cake cakes boiled!

For residual bottom pot banana leaves, folded with wheels has done for the package into the pot, pour the water-wheel, continuous fire module. People often used the dry firewood and to cook.

The cake was cooked in about 8 hours with fire.

The cake was cooked in about 8 hours with fire. When the water running, you can add on for the full pot pies. Depending on the amount of gear more or less, will cook longer or lick. Tét cake letter, picked out the cake for the drain. Tét cake letters hanging on the clear place to be in gear longer time.

Tét cake letter do not difficult but quite fussy and takes time.

How to make cake with the letter is not difficult but quite fussy and takes time.

I wish you success!=



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