How to make simple and delicious cakes right at home


HoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homemade cakes will make your loved one happy.

+ Part crust:

-Dough cakes: 1 bag (» 01kg)

-Duck egg yolk: 1 piece

-Oil: 250 gr

-Sugar water (cooked): 750 gr

+ Color to apply to the cake:

-Duck egg yolk: 1 piece

-Water: 1 spoon

-Oil: 1 spoon

This dose increases, reducing the number of gear options to do.

+ Bread: simple for you can use green beans, black beans, Lotus seeds or taro and sugar, cake flour, wheat flour.

How to make cake Middle IncoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home:

+ Crust: Mix eggs, oil, sugar water mix well, pour slowly into the dough, hand mixing until both Mikko epoxidized, brewing more half an hour and then divided into small sections of about 40-50 gr.

+ DAB mixture cake: beat the egg yolk mixture evenly, water, vegetable oil (can add a few drops of coconut water) to create the color for the cake.

+ Bread: All material on are to be soaked, cooked, ground with route using blender for real smooth.

Let the mixture onto the Pan, fry with little oil (about 50 gr), when workers were hunting for more cake flour, dried granules and flour to fry evenly until the bread is soft, like Italy. Vo rounded entertainHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homent for a few hours into the fridge to firm.

How to bake simple cakes:


After the cake flour wrap around staff, pressed out of the mold. For hot oven 10 minutes before. Bake for 10 minutes, then bring the cake out spraying onto the cake. Use a basting brush to DAB mixture of face gear. Then the next twenty minutes more pies until pale yellow, are.

How 2


HoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homemade cakes are very tasty and hygienic.

Part of bread:

-Roasted cashews 100 g peeled

-100 g pumpkin jam

-100 g candied Lotus

-100 g peeled roasted How to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homelon seeds

-Roasted SesaHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home 80gr-3 the sausage

-100 g sugar-fat

-Eggs with salt (if liked)

-8-10 leaves of lemon

Part do human's binder:

-wine 70ml mai que Lo (a type of alcohol used for aromatic seasoning cooking)

-1 teaspoon of the sugar water

-1 teaspoon of the oil

-70ml water filter-1/2 spoon of five spice

-Roasted glutinous flour ・

Parts made of shells:

-500 g wheat flour

-1/3 teaspoon of banking soda

-350gr sugar water, 1 teaspoon of ash-water ships, 100 g oil, 1 egg yolk type to (if we use 2 small chicken egg yolks), 1 tsp of cinnamon plum wine route, a few drops of coloring coconut (if available)

Scan mixed face cake: 2 egg yolks; 1 teaspoon cooking oil; 1/2 teaspoon of coconut water

-This mixture and beat back the filter through a sieve. Additionally its also guided through how to make pastry sugar water with sugar and fat, the green beans are as follows:

-Fat: fat, diced pieces. Boil the water and then boiled fat, about 3 minutes, then pour the fat off the basket to drain. Grease drain mix fat with sugar sugar rate twice the fat percentage. Cool place for fat to turn out to be. So fat before the road one day when marinated.

-Pastry sugar water: 1 kg of water 1 kg of gold, sugar, 1/8 pineapples (whole pieces), a lemon juice.

-For all General a pot for boiling stove up to How to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homelt the sugar.

-Reduced fire and cook for 1 hour. Finally, for 50 gr of malt and next to the road when she was still only about 1.4 kg. Often people cook the sugar water before a whole months before making the cake.

How green bean cakes: slugs

-You use 200 gr green pea have treated casing, cleaned. For the green beans into the pot to pour cold water 3 tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homes the amount of beans and heat to the fire.

-When the water boiling beans then reHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homember Barber foam, shallow water gradually subsided, fire and attention to sexual harassHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homent was to stick to the bottom of the bean pot. Not to be too shallow face, until soft cooked beans module can use spoons miết take out the beans are crushed to go grind if dry add soHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home water.

-Fine grinding Beans for back into nonstick How to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homedium to match the beans back to you for 100 gr sugar on both islands. 90 gr cooking oil you divided into 3 parts, for fade into three tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homes during the human chain twice for 15 minutes. As for the oil to you stir well to green beans are blended with oils and reHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homember the small fire in the slug.

-So after three tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homes the oil mix is a block of plastic Binder and bean ball. At this tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home you sprinkle from from 10 gr of flour mixed to How to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homedium, sprinkle just fold green beans enhance adhesive. The island one more tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home again that you've done the green beans slugs for cakes. Total tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home about 1 hour slugs you nhé!

How to do:

Step 1: prepare the raw material mix as above, in which the sausage cooked, drained diced.

Step 2: For cashew nuts, jams, sausage, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin jam into such profile grinders the raw materials of appropriate size and swirled.

Step 3: after the new profile grinding SesaHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home mixing roasted, fat, sugar and Kaffir liHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home yarn into the mix.

-Just pour a mixture on a sticky dough into trouble again and mix well. Do the saHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home for the rest of have had at this level, adhesive.

Step 4:

-Scale and the shell as follows: Workers constitute 2/3, 1/3 the weight of the cake. Divide multiply by weight fit the mold and then cake balls.

- Green bean cake also has the saHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home voluHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home with Jambalaya.

Step 5: For powder and backing soda mix well rounded in the Middle, and then for the rest of the material in between. Use a spoon to stir hard slowly from the inside out. Quick dough mixture until blended.

Step 6: then wrap dough blocks again brewed in 30 minutes.

Step 7: after you finished brewed powder sprinkle little flour to dry out the desk officer, to a real thin layer, split block in proportion as above, then rolled balls of dough into thin pieces.

Step 8: put into the middle and then enveloping back.

Step 3: insert the How to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homedium cake into cubes for the mold and then press gently to the out pattern. Note the cake mold must be handled stick with 1 in 2 ways: either rub a thin oil layer into the mold the cake, or use the dry flour coating a thin layer into the mold before closing.

Step 10:

-Preheat the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees C before 10 minutes.

-For gear in the oven, bake about 10 minutes, lift the cake out for second batch next on lỏ. Batch 1 quit out spray a light water layer on the cake.

Step 11:

-The cake cool, then use a soft light into dots brushes the mixture and cake surface scanner scanner quick start onto the cake. Pay attention not to let the eggs cling to the wheel too thick and strong hand scanner will not lose the cake pattern.

-After 10 minutes we pulled out the second batch of cakes for the first batch of cakes back to back in the oven. Bake 10 minutes, we repeat the process as above. To do so is the cake 3 tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homes in total. Baking tiHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homes end to Italy after baking for about 10 minutes that you want the color more beautiful, you can bake a little longer.

-Baked Cake can be slightly stiff but after 1 day the cake will down the oil and Brown the ball beautifully.

Baked cake can be slightly stiff but after 1 day the cake will down the oil and Brown the ball beautifully.

-At the moHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at homent you can cut cake pieces invite relatives, or perhaps for the cake in the box and packaging to send the pie middle incoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at hoHow to make simple and delicious cakes right at home workers combination for those you love enjoy.=



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