How to make sour mix chicken gizzards

Way 1


-6 sets of chicken gizzards

-1 medium cucumber fruit to eat

-1 carrot

-A little sauce, scallion, chili, sugar, garlic, chili, vinegar, lemon

-Roasted Peanut, Basil lìu.

This is a dish extremely attractive.

How to do:

Step 1:

Chicken gizzards salt water rinse with diluted, for chicken gizzards in the pot, pour the water into the filter, boil, boiled chicken gizzards.

Chicken gizzards after nine, you let it cool and sliced thin have just eaten.

Melon deo washed, remove the intestines, sliced thin into the mix.

Step 2:

Melon deo washed, remove the intestines, sliced thin. In a bowl mix half spoon small cucumber salt, for about 5-10 minutes then squeeze the hand drain.

Step 3:

Shaved Peel carrots, washed, Julienne cucumbers in a bowl, mix a little salt, sugar, vinegar, for about 10 minutes then use clean hands squeeze the drain.

Step 4:

Garlic, chili paste, spicy fruit soluble a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of fish sauce, add garlic, chili peppers and squeezed into a few drops of lemon.

Step 5:

For cucumber, scallion, carrot, sweet and sour chicken gizzards in Europe.

Step 6:

Wearing plastic gloves, clean hands, mix well and add to the bowl of sauce into Europe chicken gizzards, flavoring spice back depending on your preference.

Step 7:

Scoop chicken gizzards out the disk, above, sprinkle a little Basil and roasted hìu peanuts finely chopped-up surface to enjoy.

Scoop chicken gizzards out the disk, above, sprinkle a little roasted peanuts and Basil chopped up hìu the surface, can be used with rice or with bread shrimp bulging.

How 2

Raw materials

-500 g chicken gizzards or duck gizzards

-2 flowers; goal of the skull; 4 slices fresh ginger; a few slices of Angelica (buy at the snack of medication); 1 tablespoon rice wine; 3 tbsp soy sauce; 1 handful of Sesame pan-fried; 1 tbsp chili oil; ½ teaspoon salt; fresh coriander; 1 lemon.

How to do

-Liver clean and then strangled with white salt. Then continue to squeeze and rinse with clean water. You can also rub white vinegar with chicken gizzards are and squeeze in a few minutes help clean chicken gizzards and off odors. For chicken gizzards, boiled in a pot with a few slices of fresh ginger profile and 1 tablespoon rice wine. When the liver has nine, picked out for the drain.

-Boil a pot of water with 300 ml water as long as the other. Add the star anise, pepper, Angelica, soy sauce, salt, when boiling water back drop chicken gizzards on the boil on low heat. After about 30 minutes, remove chicken gizzards out, let it cool in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Chicken gizzards mixed poignant but straightforward but very special taste thanks to the secret at the preliminary processing.

-Chicken gizzards removed, sliced young taste, mix well with Chili oil, chores a little lemon on, add the roasted Sesame and cilantro cooked fresh.

Chicken gizzards mixed poignant but straightforward but very special taste thanks to the secret at the preliminary processing. A few spices comes though do not appear on the finished products but seep soaked in fragrant crispy chicken gizzards pieces intriguing. The blend of the lumpy crunchy sật, smell and taste of roasted Sesame frsh nine presume will prevent you from "United Kingdom" this dish the first time. Not only pleasing afternoon who you beard, also is targeted at "manual" and quick to you added to the menu.=



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