How to make traditional flexible cakes with the old Mid-Autumn Festival

Ingredients to prepare

- Prepare flexible cake flour: 200g - 300g

- Sugar water for making flexible cakes: 400g

- Cooking oil: 10g

Raw materials for marbling for plastic cake:

- Includes roasted melon seeds ripe: 50g

- Lotus jam: 100g

- Jam squash: 100g

- Boiled sausage cooked: 150g

- Roasted sesame with golden ripe: 30g

- Only fresh lemon leaves

- Roasted chicken: 50g

- 1 kg of refined white sugar

- 1 liter of filtered water

- Lemon juice (about 1 fruit)

Traditional cake

How to make flexible pancakes with mixed fruits

Step 1: How to cook plastic sugar sugar

- Next, add the filtered water to a clean pot, pour the white sugar into the stirring pot and then put it on the boiling stove, from when the sugar water boils to 20-30 minutes. After that, add lemon juice and boil for 2-3 minutes.

- You should let the sugar water cool and then close to the storage bottle cool place to use within 5-7 days. Using the softened sugar water, cooked and cooled to be able to make cake immediately, I usually leave it for a night to use it to make the cake beautiful.

Glutinous flour helps make flexible crust

Step 2: How to make a pancake

- First, put all prepared ingredients in the pan or clean pan. If you use a cake with lotus jam and a big jam, use a small knife to make it easier to mix. Because plastic cake is finished, it is necessary to directly process the kernel by stirring the heat in the kitchen for 5 - 7 minutes.

- When performing the step of filling the cake, add 2 tablespoons of soft sugarcane juice to the island so that the ingredients will not dry and eat poorly. After the filling of the flexible filling cake, let it cool down and give the pomelo perfume to create the aroma for the filling and the soft cake dough will be mixed to create the adhesion for the cake.

Knead the crust until smooth

- Next, divide the parts into equal parts by a ratio of 3: 7 (3 parts for 7 parts). To make the cake delicious and beautiful

Step 3: How to make bread crust

- First, give 400g of soft sugarcane juice to the clean, add 10g of cooking oil, 5g of grapefruit perfume and stir well. Then, you take about 200g of soft dough, then slowly add the spoon to the dough and stir the dough to soak in sugar water. Or do so slowly until you see the baking powder, soak all the sugar water, stir it well. Note: Make sure to leave 1 tablespoon of plastic powder to make a shirt.

- You should sprinkle the coat powder to clean tray, put the soft dough just stirred up, spread evenly, cover the face with powder for about 2 minutes then knead the dough to make the cake. You need to fold the dough into 2, 3 times until the dough is fine.

Close the finished product

Step 4: How to close the cake

- First, you take each piece of flexible cake flour divided flat press, let the kernel in the middle and then put the powder into round balls.

- Prepare mold and put a layer of powder inside the mold to prevent sticking. Put the cake into the mold, then press the mold shaft to remove the cake. When making a memory, press it evenly and hard to make the cake sharpness after it is done.



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