Mistakes in processing vegetables make many people vulnerable to cancer, leave immediately before it's too late

Vegetables shrinkage

According to oriental medicine, coriander is an herb with cool properties, cooling and especially very benign. In terms of cuisine, vegetables are also a very easy vegetable to eat and combine with other dishes. If using fresh greens more than 30mg can cause uterine contractions and easily lead to miscarriage.


If you have a wound on your skin, you should not eat morning glory because it will cause scarring and bad skin. Even, it will make the new skin grow more itchy. Especially not eat unripe spinach. In water spinach can contain trematodes and many parasites, if not cooked properly, those parasites are not dead, when entering the human body can cause symptoms of abdominal pain, dyspepsia .

Do not eat morning glory when there are wounds on you

Vegetable spinach

Fresh vegetables are cool, cool, many people like to eat especially in summer. However, spinach contains a lot of purines - an organic compound that enters the body will turn into uric acid.

High levels of uric acid in the body increase the risk of kidney stones and increase the concentration of calcium oxalate in the urine, leading to greater and more serious kidney stones. Therefore, people with kidney stones should avoid eating spinach.


Hot weather, amaranth help cool the heat is very nutritious for health. According to experts, amaranth is cool, not suitable for people with diarrhea and chronic diarrhea, pregnant women are damaged.

Amaranth contains a lot of oxalic acid, which greatly affects the inhibition of calcium and zinc absorption. At the same time, it is easy to form oxalate stones, so it should be avoided for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, gout or kidney disease. Cooked amaranth should not be reheated many times because the nitrate in the leaves will be converted to nitrite as a risk factor for cancer and not good for children.

Do not eat spinach while you are diarrhea

Mistakes in processing make broccoli lose nutrients:

Wash arbitrarily

Broccoli has a special texture, inside it is easy to store insecticides and insects, if only washing under the tap, it still does not achieve the cleaning effect. Therefore, experts recommend cutting broccoli into small pieces, soaking them in mild salt water for 15 ~ 20 minutes, and then rinse them under running water.

Use a cutting knife

The cluster of broccoli flowers contains many small flowers, if it is cut directly on the cutting board, many small flower buds will be crushed, this is very wasteful, and when cooking, it will lose the nutrients of broccoli. green.

First, cut all the leaves to one side, then cut a circle around the cauliflower with the tip of the knife and separate the flowers. Cut the big flowers into small pieces evenly, then cut the cores into small, complete flower zones.

A lot of vegetables are eaten, causing miscarriage

Sautéed vegetables for a long time

This mistake is also the most serious mistake. The time of stir-frying broccoli should not be too long, nor stir-fry too long on high heat, otherwise it will lose all the nutrients in broccoli. Therefore, choosing the right method to cook broccoli is very important, to ensure that all nutrients in food are kept.



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