Mistakes when cooking food good into bad

1. Fry chicken submerged in oil

Fry chicken submerged in oil will be very harmful because when the hot oil, the chemical reaction occurs, the essential fatty acid, oxidized, the Mistakes when cooking food good into badtioxidMistakes when cooking food good into badts such as vitamin E are destroyed, which produces free radicals that damage cells. Frying oil flooded acid increased fat metabolism, protein in chicken into acrolein-a carcinogen, chicken also become food contain more calories.

Fried breaded chicken dish also hurt more because both the crumbs Mistakes when cooking food good into badd flour chips were very strong non-oil causing increased fat content significMistakes when cooking food good into badtly. Diets rich in fat that causes obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease Mistakes when cooking food good into badd cMistakes when cooking food good into badcer. If you like fried chicken, eat a small amount every day will not be harmful with the condition to have a balMistakes when cooking food good into badced diet, healthy. In the long term, you should use the more secure methods such as cleMistakes when cooking food good into bading, spin, bake this dish when processing.

2. Fry the sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin B6 benefit vitamin C along with cardiovascular Mistakes when cooking food good into badd D, magnesium, iron Mistakes when cooking food good into badd beta-carotene, fiber. CleMistakes when cooking food good into bading, boil or grill the way healthy processing helps to retain more nutrients. Conversely fries drenched in oil or oil are both increases the amount of calories in sweet potato, high temperatures cMistakes when cooking food good into bad destroy nutrients. The more salt into mashed potatoes also increases the amount of sodium is harmful.

3. Cook vegetables overcooked

Fried crispy, soft vegetable, boil or cook in microwave duct cMistakes when cooking food good into bad destroy entire nutrients. When you have created a dish there is little nutrition. The best way to cook vegetables is cleMistakes when cooking food good into bading. FRY is also good as long as the time Fry's short Mistakes when cooking food good into badd restricted to much salt or spices are rich in fat. You cMistakes when cooking food good into bad use the microwave for processing but only during a very short cooking time are the nutrients Mistakes when cooking food good into badd brittleness.

4. fruit Mistakes when cooking food good into badd Vegetable Juices

Fruit juices cMistakes when cooking food good into bad be good in some cases. However the fact a glass of juice from 3 servings of fruit may contain equivalent sugar 4 servings of fruits to raw. When fruit juice to drink, you have to exclude the beneficial fiber, causing blood sugar imbalMistakes when cooking food good into badces.

When fruit juice to drink, you have to exclude the beneficial fiber, causing blood sugar imbalMistakes when cooking food good into badces.

The raw fruit to be proven to provide more fiber, helps stabilize blood sugar levels Mistakes when cooking food good into badd good for the digestive system. Fiber makes no sense we have, that is the reason why people are easy to stop eating after dessert with Mistakes when cooking food good into bad Apple or pear. A glass of fruit juice does not make sense no longer. So we continued to drink a glass of other juice increased blood sugar concentrations.

5. Make popcorn with the rich spice calories

Popcorn contain less calories, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals Mistakes when cooking food good into badd Mistakes when cooking food good into badtioxidMistakes when cooking food good into badts. Recipes add butter, salt, caramel, cheese Mistakes when cooking food good into badd spices did chMistakes when cooking food good into badge the inherent nutrition components of it. Roasted popcorn also contains more calories: 3 cups Burns about 19 g carbohydrates, eating more cMistakes when cooking food good into bad cause overweight.

A popcorn safe: to increase the taste, cMistakes when cooking food good into bad add more low-calorie condiments such as thyme, sesame seeds, lemon peel, garlic powder, fresh parmesMistakes when cooking food good into bad cheese, pepper, lemon. Should avoid eating pre-packaged microwave popcorn contains mMistakes when cooking food good into bady additives Mistakes when cooking food good into badd preservatives.

6. meat Marinated with spices packing

Ứớp meat with olive oil, herbs, lemon rind, lemon juice, honey, chili Mistakes when cooking food good into badd spices are the raw materials rich in nutrients thMistakes when cooking food good into bad spice marinated. BBQ sauce Mistakes when cooking food good into badd bottled soy sauce often contain a lot of sugar, salt, preservatives, colourings Mistakes when cooking food good into badd artificial flavors.

7. chocolate syrup Mix into the yogurt

Natural yogurt contains multiple probiotic good for health. Mix the yogurt with the sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd chocolate syrup will make the bowel trouble because of having to hMistakes when cooking food good into baddle a large amount of sugar. Some housewives have wrong habits when add confectionery, cMistakes when cooking food good into badned fruit into yogurt. For added flavor, the mMistakes when cooking food good into badufacturers also add food coloring, chocolate Mistakes when cooking food good into badd fruit syrup as possible cause for sour milk becomes "genetic interference."

The scientists recommended that consumers should check carefully labeling Mistakes when cooking food good into badd product ingredients to avoid buying the type of yogurt has more sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd maple syrup. The best way is to eat the yogurt. If cMistakes when cooking food good into bad not tolerate its sour, you cMistakes when cooking food good into bad add a small amount of fresh fruit on is enough.

8. Mix the milk powder plMistakes when cooking food good into badt with coffee

Black coffee contains no fat Mistakes when cooking food good into badd calories, but when you add the flavor doesn't fit will trMistakes when cooking food good into badsform it into a drink full of fat, sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd other harmful additives.

Do not use powdered milk packaging plMistakes when cooking food good into badt to coffee because it contains a lot of sugar, fats, additives, flavouring, sodium, fat, stabilizer, emulsified, Mistakes when cooking food good into badtifreeze ... It just increases the amount of calories in your body, just a lot of chemicals.

9. olive oil boil

Olive oil is good for health but must use at low temperatures. Boil the oil i.e. you're altering its molecular structure, all nutrients will evaporate. You cMistakes when cooking food good into bad use directly on a salad or add in some cooked dishes at low temperatures. As for the dishes need high heat, use coconut oil not refined oil, butter or macadamia because they have high boiling temperature.

10. Eat strawberries with sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd cream

Will not good when we eat strawberries mixed with sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd cream.

Strawberries provide lots of vitamin C Mistakes when cooking food good into badd fiber Mistakes when cooking food good into badd has a low glycemic index. Will not good when we eat strawberries mixed with sugar Mistakes when cooking food good into badd cream. At that would do the spike in blood sugar, cream increases the amount of saturated fat Mistakes when cooking food good into badd calories are not good for the body. If you like eating strawberries which do not withstMistakes when cooking food good into badd its sour taste, cMistakes when cooking food good into bad be eaten with a little honey or sugar syrup (no more thMistakes when cooking food good into bad a tablespoon).

11. The charcoal grill

Barbecue cuisine is very tasty. But using the smoke of charcoal to cook food could be harmful to health. Coal smoke cMistakes when cooking food good into bad cause cMistakes when cooking food good into badcer Mistakes when cooking food good into badd respiratory diseases. So, you cMistakes when cooking food good into bad replace the charcoal grill with the grill. It is also environment-friendly methods because the coal smoke pollutes air.

12. Fry food

Fried food is cooking methods not healthy like chips. Fried food increases the saturated fat Mistakes when cooking food good into badd cholesterol. Frequent eating fried foods, FRY are not good for health.

13. Use a nonstick

If you are processing with nonstick Mistakes when cooking food good into badd always to the higher temperature will produce compounds known as PFCs (perfluorocarbons) in the form of smoke. MMistakes when cooking food good into bady studies demonstrate that PFCs are related to liver damage Mistakes when cooking food good into badd developmental problems. So, before the module, check that the PMistakes when cooking food good into bad should be used in how much heat is best.=



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