Mother made a beautiful pink egg, she ate elastic spandex, everyone had to lean on their hats

Ingredients for pink eggs

8 eggs

2 beets

3 tablespoons white sugar

1 bay leaf

1 piece of cinnamon

1 star anise

1 sprig of ginger

Delightful pink egg dish will surely make your baby enjoy more when eating

How to make pink egg

Step 1: Get peeled beets. Next, wash it, cut into small pieces. Then put the red radish in the pot of water, bring to a boil on high heat.

Step 2: Next, add boiling water to the seasoning. When cooking, remember to reduce the heat and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. Then turn off the stove, open the lid and let cool.

Step 3: Put water in the pot to boil water, after boiling water, add eggs. When you boil eggs, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes.

Step 4: Then when the eggs are cooked, remove the eggs into a bowl of ice water prepared. This makes the crust easy to peel and does not damage the inside of the egg.

Pink eggs with different colors help your baby change their taste without feeling bored

In addition, soaking eggs in cold water also helps hunted eggs when eating will create a much more delicious feeling. Then, put the peeled eggs in the box, pour in beetroot juice. Wishing you success with this pink boiled egg!

You should soak in the refrigerator for at least 1 night and then cut out to eat. The egg has a very nice pink color! Boiled egg special pink help children enjoy creating a new feeling will make your baby a lot more delicious.



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