Poached quail egg, meat delicacies could not resist

Poached eggs, meat dishes are familiar and extremely attractive to Vietnam family feast. The blend between the taste of eggs, coconut water, taste the sweetness of tasty meat is fantastic, don't you.

Poached quail egg, meat delicacies could not resist.

Raw materials

-Pork: 500 g, you should select the type of the three only have more lean muscle or buttocks is also delicious.

-15 quail eggs

-Green onions, fish sauce, salt, sugar and pepper.

How to do

-After the cooked quail eggs, to cool, remove peeling the egg shell.

-Pork: you clean, rinse with salt water, drain, cut chunks rectangular box shape.

Then, you marinated meat with seasoning spoon ½, 1 family, 1 sauce spoon ½ tea Spoon sugar, MSG, garlic, ½ onion ½ family, ½ tea spoon in spoons 30 minutes to infuse meat spices and don't forget 1 table spoon cooking oil to meat soaks right spice quickly;

-Heat the cooking oil, pour the quail egg on chops, or fried gold, chops through to the outside of the egg when eating will slightly dai dai.

-Color: water for 2 spoons of sugar and 2 spoons of water, the heat on the pan with low heat until the sugar melts turn yellow as the cockroach wings;

-Then, for the meat on the island are to hand back the filet, the spices infuse evenly into each other;

Next, for 100 ml coconut water fresh and the eggs were fried lightly sprinkle soy source, water color gold has up on meat and eggs;

Small fire Island light, turn the hands until the meat and the eggs are cooked, meat broth just make surround the egg, the meat is.

-Finally off the kitchen, sprinkle green onions were chopped into. Bring the disk, sprinkle little pepper over the surface, used for savory food with rice.=



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