Processing of farming pork Cook more delicious Daisy aside the goods

Sweet daisies cool vegetables soup bowls, nutritious fresh daisies improvements with non meat sweet, subdued is a good option to change the wind for the feast of the family .

Processing of farming pork Cook more delicious Daisy also.


-vegetables: Daisy bouquet

-Pork: 1 lang.

-Shallot: 1.

-Spice powder, soup Powder: wedge.

-Cooking oil.


-Vegetables daisies washed to raw juice, if the tree is too long you can cut.

-Pork: chop or grind, cho1/4 teaspoon coffee powder, ¼ teaspoon of the seasoning to marinade for about 10 minutes.

-Fresh ginger strips, small.

-Shallot hash, extinguishing small dams.

-Take the bowl of water for the soup pot needs to fit the needs of your family, for in a saucepan to boil.

How to do:

Place the saucepan over the stove, 2 tsp of oil into heated, shallot, aromatic for meat on the island fast, 1 minute later for boiling water in, add ½ TSP seasoning powder, ½ spoonful of soup for seasoning just the mouth.

When the water boils again (when the boiling water you retain heat), vegetables, down to the prompts on the daisies out of the bowl.

Note: vegetables, soft-bodied Daisy more water should be very fast root, when for vegetables on about 1 minute you turn the stove but vegetables to Daisy in pot will still be vulnerable to duct. If you want to improve the meals still crispy aromatic Daisy then picked the vegetables out to Bowl the automobile. At the meal starts you let water in.=



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