Pumpkin-feeding Mother to note

Pumpkin contains carotene, carotene after being absorbed into the body will be converted into vitamin A-important to the sight of the baby. If lack of carotene, quáng syndrome with baby chickens (illness causing baby to lose the ability to recognize things around by the eye normally).

Saying so doesn't mean you abuse the pumpkin in the course of processing food for babies; because, if too much is absorbed, the amount of carotene will accumulate in the epidermis, making the forehead, palms, soles of the feet, the area of skin around the baby's eyes will turn yellow lemon.

The time and other considerations when feeding pumpkin

You should become familiar with baby pumpkin dishes when your baby is about 6 months old. Can cooked breadfruit, pumpkin and mashed beams for vegan baby, mix pumpkin with common baby powder or you can cook the pumpkin porridge, mixed with chicken.

Quite a lot of nutrients available in the pumpkin will be lost in the cooking process; Thus, when processing a pumpkin, you should avoid this by draining the cooked pumpkin immediately after you cut the pumpkin into pieces; as soon as the cooking is done, you should be feeding the secret as soon as it is warm.

Minimize the preserved pumpkin cooked in refrigerator (absolutely not preserved pumpkin in the icebox) since then, pumpkin Bowl for kids will Brown Gold margins – not safe for baby to eat.

Not so for baby to eat pumpkin each day a packed as this easy to lead to excess carotene phenomenon. Similar to pumpkin, carrot also contain large amounts of carotene; Therefore, you should balance the two kinds of foods on the menu for the baby. For example, each week you should just feeding a carrot (each packed 1/2 cu chopped) and 1-2 packed pumpkin (each packed 1/2 small pieces) is the maximum level has been reached.

Parents should not preserve the pumpkin in the fridge and after cooking, so for baby use right now is still warm.

The Oatmeal pumpkin appealing for baby

1. Pumpkin and banana

Ingredients: ½ small bowl pumpkin is cooked and mashed beams; 2 ripe banana pieces (depending on the baby's).

Make: ripe bananas are mashed beams, mixed with pumpkin. So the banana mixture and stir thoroughly, before the pumpkin for baby to enjoy. Also, can add yogurt to the mixture over; or mix the flour into the mixture for baby weaning.

2. Pumpkin & pears

Ingredients: ½ bowl of pumpkin is cooked and mashed beams; 1 piece PEAR was peeling and cleaning set (with the baby 8 months old do not need cleaning, feeding fresh pears).

Execute: PEAR is thinly diced form (small square block). Next up, mashed pears beams and mix well with pumpkin and feeding.4 fruit dish mixed with pumpkin for baby 6-8 months old-picture 2

3. Pumpkin, pear and peach

Ingredients: ½ bowl of pumpkin is cooked and mashed beams; 1 piece PEAR are peeling, cleaning set (don't need cleaning with baby 8 months); 1 peach pieces are peeling, cleaning set (don't need cleaning with baby 8 months old).

Make: peach and PEAR are lovely form of pomegranate seeds, mashed beams; then, mix well with the pumpkin and then for baby to enjoy.

4. Pumpkin and apples

Materials: 1 piece pumpkin, remove the seeds and Peel are washed; 1 piece Apple is peeling.

Make: pumpkin, apples, pomegranate seeds form Thai to be thinly sliced. Remove the apples and pumpkin into the General pot until both soft (don't need cleaning apples if the baby is 8 months old). Finally, mashed beams apples and pumpkin together and then for baby to enjoy.Food mixed with pumpkin: bananas, apples, pears, peaches; carrot, sweet potato; chicken; sour milk; weaning flour, and rice.

Note: Also not recommended for babies in the age of weaning acquainted with pumpkin seeds because when not chewing proficient, baby will likely be challenging because the pumpkin seeds.=



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