Recipes to cook Eggplant dishes combine delicious tofu

Recipes to cook Eggplant dishes extremely tasty tofu combination, ultra easy.

Way 1

Raw materials

-Eggplant long: 1 results

-Tofu non: 1 box

-Tomatoes: 1 results

-Onion, cooking oil, spices.

How to do

Step 1: tomatoes, green onions chopped, washed.

Step 2: Rinse the eggplant, sliced, soaked in salt water to dilute the coffee maker is not penetrating.

Step 3: tofu non chopped into chunks.

Step 4: North up pot, add oil, garlic, aromatic tomato stir-fry cooked eggplant, then for stir-fry, seasoning to eggplants.

Step 5: Add the amount of water used just enough to eat, to the boiling water, for extra beans non hand light island into tofu, seasoning again tasting wedge again. Add green onions and turn off the stove. For cooking the Eggplant tofu bowls and eat the same immature hot rice!

How 2

Raw materials

-3 results of Eggplant

-150 g Bacon

-500 g of tofu

-Green onions, washed, chopped shiso short

-1 little scratch (or vinegar)

-Spices such as sauce, salt, pepper, seasoning.

How to do

Step 1:

Wash the eggplant, chunks (his addons, each cut into 8-10 pieces slightly to a moment when cooking Eggplant contracts go as medium). Then soak in salted water for about 10-15 minutes for less then the plastic out Cook coffee maker will less deep.

Step 2:

Bacon washed, sliced and marinated with salt, pepper. The House, like sliced meat for sale available for software, but if your family likes the thicker to suit the Thai preferences of everyone.

Step 3:

Tofu, drained, cut square pieces have just eaten, and then give up the frying pan of gold, to separate out the disc. Then the meat was marinated up FRY.

Step 4: For Eggplant stir-fry pan up over, sprinkle little salt.

Step 5: For eggplant, fried tofu and meat into the pot. The wedge little sauce, salt, seasoning to taste and to low heat for the material absorbs all the spices. While cooking, you should lightly shake the pot instead of using chopsticks to avoid ruining the material.

When near was then you add scratch or vinegar to create a sour taste. According to her the just for a bit to create gentle sour is delicious, not so sour cooked exactly as when cooking the soup sour.

Step 6:

For the water in the pot and boiled redesigned tattoos with fire to. Finally sprinkle green onions and shiso, and then turn off the stove.=



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