Taking one more simple step, the roasted bacon will be more crispy than the outside


- 1 kg pork belly

- 1 dried onion, 1 garlic, 1 package of five flavors, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of white wine

- Cooking oil


Step 1: Preliminary processing

- Bacon shave the skin and then wash again, pour the water into a pot to boil with a little soup powder.

- When the water boils, put a piece of pork belly in boiled for about 2 minutes then take out, use a blotting paper to dry the meat, do not boil the meat for too long because the pork skin is soft, when fried, the crisp will not be crispy. Soak the meat in cold water, which helps to cool the piece of meat, while making the packaging clearer.

Step 2: Marinate the meat

- Use a fork or toothpick to tattoo the skin, tattoo all over the surface of the pig skin but do not tattoo too deep into the fat because when frying the fat, the packaging will be less brittle. This helps prevent spinning from exploding as well as helping to keep the packaging crispy. Therefore, the more carefully the packaging, the more crunchy and more delicious. After using a tipped tissue, wipe the affected area with a clean cloth.

- Use a little vinegar, lightly scrub salt on the pork skin.

- Garlic, onions, finely chopped mixed with five flavors, a little white wine, then rub all over the meat. Store the refrigerator for a few hours to allow the meat to soak up and dry packaging.

Step 3: Fry the meat

- Add a lot of cooking oil to the pan, heat. Then drop the meat into frying, occasionally turning evenly to crispy golden brown on the sides. Do not fry the fire too loudly to burn the outside meat but still not cooked inside.

- When the meat is cooked evenly, remove the meat to place on a plate lined with oil absorbent paper, wait to cool down and slice.



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