The simple way to make vegetarian cakes on the Tet holiday is delicious and hygienic, worthy of your mother's guarantee

How to make simple cake, vegetarian cakes at home

How to make drifting cakes

Prepare materials

- 400 grams of glutinous flour

- 200 grams of green beans rub the shell

- 300 grams of jaggery

- Shredded red onion, roasted

- 100 grams of ginger

- Spices: cooking oil, salt, sugar


Step 1: Ginger clean, cut into small pieces. Cut the jaggery or apricot sugar into small pieces. If using jaggery, it will taste sweet and better for health. Next, you put the small pot on the stove, pour 500 ml of water along the sugar and ginger has just been prepared. Bring to medium heat, then stir with sugar tables.

Add a little salt to the pot. Turn on the heat and wait for the water to boil. When the sugar is boiling, turn on the heat for about 10 minutes, until the aroma of ginger arises and the sugar is slightly sticky, then turn off the heat.

Step 2: Make cake

Wash green beans many times until green beans are clear. Then you put in a large bowl, soak beans with 500ml of water for 30 minutes. Put the green beans soaked in the rice cooker. Pour the water so that the ginseng is spread across the cooked beans.

When the green beans are cooked, you turn out a large bowl. As soon as the beans are still hot, you can mash so that the green beans are spread and look soft and smooth. Fresh green beans are finished, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 100 grams of non-yellow onion to mix. Scoop beans and squeeze beans into small rounds. Repeat until all the green beans are smashed.

Step 3: Make drifting bark

Add boiling water and sticky flour to a bowl, stir until the mixture is sticky and wet. Then, cover tightly for 15-30 minutes. Sprinkle some flour on the table, turn the dough upwards.

Next, straighten the divided dough into a circle and then flatten the dough and place the made green bean in the middle of the rolled round dough. Then you cleverly wrap it up.

Once you have wrapped the outer bark in the bean, boil 500ml of water, let it simmer. Then, put the cake in a pot of boiling water and use a gentle stirring to keep them from sticking together. Heat until the dough floats on the surface of the water, then scoop the cake into a bowl of cold water. Leave for 1-2 minutes, remove and drain, then drop in a bowl of boiled sugar.

After the finished cake needs to be white, the balls are round and even, the core is not broken. When eating, the crust must be soft, tough, the sugar in bread must melt enough. When biting a piece of cake, the bile spread out in harmony with the crust to create great taste.

How to make vegetarian cakes

Full ingredients for vegetarian cakes:

- Powder

- Green bean

- Roasted

- Curettage coconut

- Ginger

- Street

- Kudzu powder - Grapefruit flower oil

- Alum sugar (using sugar alum water will stick and in more than sugar sand)

How to make a delicious vegetarian cake :

Step 1: Prepare flour

- The vegetarian bread flour is prepared like a floating cake flour.

Step 2: Green beans choose whole grains:

- Soak the water for beans to hatch and then treat the shell. Mix with a small amount of salt, cooked. Divide 1/2 smooth, mix 1 spoon of sesame and roast, round into each member to make vegetarian cakes. 1/2 remaining.

- Ginger crushed, squeezed water. Bring to the boil to simmer the water.

- Cassava flour mixes water to dissolve.

* Note: after reconstitution if not using the day, tapioca will precipitate the bottom of the bowl again, so sometimes you use chopsticks to stir it all the time.

Step 3: Making vegetarian cakes

- The dough after reaching the required level, you divide the dough into each member evenly. Spread the dough evenly in the palm of your hand so that the dough is rounded and easy to press.

- Add the prepared green peas in the middle of the dough, spread the eyelids and make a round shape. Note not to roll too much if not after boiling the cake will be crushed. Use the thumb and the second finger to place on the two ends of the cake, press flat with a concave in the middle so that a flat cake like a donut is beautiful.

- Boil the large boiling water, when the boiling water is very old, reduce the medium heat, and drop each vegetarian cake into it. When it was time to see the cake floating on the water, wait for about 15 seconds for the cake to be cooked and then remove the cake.

- Wait for the cake to cool, you use the broken hole to divide the bowl evenly. From a folk point of view, you should divide each bowl with 3 cakes.

Step 4: How to cook tea:

- If you need 1 liter to fill all the vegan bowls, boil the pot of boiling water about 4/5 of the amount needed (the other half is ready-made tapioca water).

- Boil the pot of water, drop the alum sugar so that it has a sweet taste as desired. You should give sugar slowly to try water. Usually when the hot water is slightly thick, it will taste sweet when cold.

- Medium sugar water, boil, pour slowly into the cassava bowl, one hand poured, one hand stirring constantly. When the pot of boiling water becomes clear and light, give a spoonful of ginger juice, you have a pot of tea for vegetarian cakes.

- Chan the water to fill the prepared bowls, then sprinkle the whole green beans cooked. When to eat sesame, coconut and grapefruit flower oil.

Vegetarian cakes can be eaten hot or cold. If you want to eat hot, leave the pot of tea on the stove to cook fire brightly.



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