Tips eliminate toxins out there in the fresh green asparagus

Fresh bamboo shoot dish is very popular, used to stir-fry, soup, served with rice vermicelli, noodle ... In many Eastern countries, bamboo is one of the most common foods in the diet and the food is good help weight loss for obese people that few people know. In cement containing less fats, sugars, lipids, but it contains more fiber-types of nutrients that help to effectively lose weight.

Tip: Eliminate toxins out there in the fresh cement.

In addition, bamboo also has many adverse effects such as constipation, help ease digestion, reduces cholesterol in the blood. Along with anti-inflammatory properties, bamboo helps prevent cancer and strengthen the immune system of your body.

Fresh bamboo shoots was prepared into the dry cement by drying or drying to reserve, transporting away used as raw materials for processing in other specialties or for export.

Fresh shoots are also processed into various products for domestic consumption and export valuable participating as: cement, cement, cement, frozen, canned, etc..

Not only are the health supplements, fresh bamboo shoots also foods to help lose weight effectively. However, fresh bamboo shoots is venom and not everyone knows how to detoxify when used as food.

Cement toxicity due to containing many substances glucid, is capable of transforming into cyanhydric acid harmful for the body when used. The experience of many mountain people shows: not toxic in any cement; bitter-toxic cement than cement; fresh bamboo shoots toxic cement dry.

People who eat right shoots poison often have symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea, respiratory disorders, difficulty breathing ... To ensure safety when using fresh bamboo shoots, after harvesting about her need to apply some measures detoxifying

Delicious dishes for the family.

So how do I eliminate out toxins in fresh cement?

-Peeling off leaves the fibre (casing cement), washed sandy soil, then cut into thin slices or shredded into fibers to bring clean water to soak overnight for less toxic and then rinse before processing into the dish.

-With the type of cement, cement and lime water soak in bitter; boil these weekly to remove the top of the water until the water then bring in shows processing. While the sausages, Cook should open swing for toxins evaporate.

The picking of cement peeled, cut into small slices, grasping sweet vegetable leaves and then added to the pot boiled over. When the cement has set, pick up down the drain heater goes, then pour cold water into sweet vegetable leaf removal, remove and flush with water again is bringing dishes.

Fresh cement to shell and then stowed into the pot. For a few more left the chili peppers have put rice in water, flooded most of the shoots. Heat medium, when try to see cement software then turn off the fire. Wait for the cold cement, remove Peel, and then discharge it back several times with clear water. No longer will măng bitter taste, you can bring food processing.

-Before drying or drying cement should dry soak through salt water, used to be processed into the food so hot with poached or boiled back as possible.

-Salt sour bamboo shoot is also one of the measures is to reduce the toxic properties of cement.

Note: Not for people with malaria, malnutrition, people prostrate the body to eat bamboo shoots because of increased disease do exclusive shoots. Use sparingly to eat more cement and noting the digital processing before eating.=



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