Tips on extreme food combinations to certain effective you must know

Each food type has a different nutritional value but when combined with other foods then. Nutritional value increases when combined with other foods but must properly, scientists have proven that. Combine these foods would then bring the effect of surprise, the same reference!

Garlic and salmon

Garlic is a way to increase the flavor of the fish.

Garlic is a way to increase the flavor of the fish. When combining the two products together can reduce the risk of heart disease. A study by The American Journal of Nutrition suggests, use salmon and garlic can reduce cholesterol in the blood. This is good news for people who have high blood cholesterol.

Apples and black chocolate

Black chocolate combined with Apple likely to improve cardiovascular health. In Apple Peel contains a substance called quercetin, favonoid has the effect of anti inflammation. On the other hand in black chocolate cocoa rich in catechin-an antioxidant and prevents fiber rupture the artery. When combined with black chocolate apples can help melt the thrombus.

Kale and almonds

Kale are foods rich in vitamin K, E, antioxidants have the ability to enhance the immune system against cancer. However, vitamin E and K are fat soluble, so when combined with the almonds will increase the body's ability to absorb.

Brassica Brussels and olive oil

In the revamped brussels contains many important nutrients such as vitamin k. Vitamin very helpful to bone and help melt the thrombus. However, vitamin k fat soluble only, that means our bodies absorb vitamin K good for when there's fat diet. Therefore, the Brussels innovation combined with olive oil will bring the best performance to help improve health status.

Turmeric and black pepper

If combined with black pepper will bring unexpected benefits.

Technology is considered one of the medicinal healing, because it contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial. Curcumin in turmeric is metabolized quickly before it is absorbed completely. If combined with black pepper will bring unexpected benefits. In black pepper contains many substances, piperin in combination with curcumin has in technology, it will improve the usability of curcumin up folding 1000 times.

Green tea and black pepper

Research has shown that green tea will work better when sprinkled more black pepper. Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG, special help increase metabolism and protect the body against cancer. Piperine compounds available in black pepper, the communities with EGCG for greater efficiency. Piperine has the ability to increase the absorption of EGCG on blood.

Tomato and broccoli

Combine tomatoes with broccoli will help increase the ability to fight cancer effectively.

Combine tomatoes with broccoli will help increase the ability to fight cancer.

In a study of cancer in 2007, lab rats were fed according to the daily regimen is two broccoli together tomatoes, or other foods. The researchers discovered that prostate tumors implanted there are slow signs of development. The diet containing 10% 10% tomato and broccoli helps reduce the 52% of the tumor size, while the diet with only 34% and reduced tomato diet only with broccoli falling 42%.

Salmon and green vegetables

So the body can absorb the calcium needs vitamin D had enough. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium from the digestive system into the bloodstream and helps maintain a level of calcium in the blood stable. The United States National Institute of health recommends adult women need 600IU of vitamin D each day. When the skin is exposed to sunlight can produce vitamin D in the body, but we need to replenish it by eating some of foods such as salmon. Green improvements help increase the ability to absorb vitamin D in the salmon, so we can combine salmon with green vegetables to get the best results.

Tomato and olive oil

Olive oil is a cardiovascular benefit for fat, strengthen the beneficial HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol restrictions cause clogging of the arteries. Researchers in Free Radical Biology and Medicine found that olive oil boosts the antioxidant activity of lycopene in tomato. We can combine two foods in this you tube with tomato olive oil mix.

Cereals and onions, garlic

Like other types of beans, iron and zinc in whole grains have lower nutritional value so when on the body, it'll be faster metabolism when the body can absorb. Research shows that the sulfur-rich foods, such as garlic and onions, can do to help absorb nutrition from nuts, even increases in nutrients, especially zinc and iron minerals.

Black beans and red bell pepper

Black beans are a source of iron.

Black beans are a source of iron. Iron in plant foods, called iron non-micro minerals, this amount of haemin causes not easily absorbed as iron contained in meat. To the body absorb iron there in black beans, need a food rich in vitamin c. red bell pepper is thus a logical choice. In red bell pepper contains a lot of vitamin C, when combined with black beans helps the body absorb iron non-haemin increased 6 times.

Besides this you also need to know the food taboo together you should avoid.

A number of different proofing foods that many of us don't pay attention to will be very dangerous. =


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