3 things are forbidden and 4 subjects should not drink coffee to bring paint to people

1. It is taboo when drinking coffee

Do not make coffee with too thick a concentration

Coffee with caffeine - a stimulant that stimulates the nervous system more strongly than tea, so drinking coffee is thought to be a way to regain the spirit of working and fighting the drowsiness effectively. Coffee works in dilating and shrinking bronchial branches, affecting the cardiovascular system, increasing the heart's ability to supply blood, increasing the heart rate. Therefore, if you drink a thick cup of coffee that will make your heart beat faster, your blood pressure will increase and there will be unusual phenomena such as vomiting, impatience, anxiety, tinnitus and tremor. For people with high blood pressure, coronary artery disease can also lead to heart attacks.

For people who are hypersensitive to caffeine, do not drink too thick coffee or choose coffees with low caffeine content.

Do not drink too much coffee during the day

Coffee is a very good source of energy, but when consumed too much it is very harmful. Some people for work and coffee addiction can drink 4.5 cups of coffee with high caffeine content every day. However, doing so in the long run is very harmful to health. Using too much caffeine can cause anxiety and irritation. In the long term, you may be dependent on caffeine to maintain alertness. If you really have to drink a lot of coffee, choose a reduced or reduced caffeine.

Do not drink coffee while taking medicine

Drugs and coffee should not be used together because otherwise it will cause stomach irritation at high intensity. In addition, caffeine in coffee can cause interactions with certain drugs such as the loss of sleep sedative, or some antibiotics when taken at the same time as coffee will increase the stimulating effect. of caffeine. Therefore, when taking the drug should avoid drinking coffee, if taken to ensure time away from 2-3 hours.

2. Subjects should not drink coffee

- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

According to pediatricians, when a mother drinks coffee, caffeine can go directly to the fetus through the placenta and affect her health. Many studies show that caffeine can inhibit fetal growth through adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and reproductive system. Mothers who drink a lot of coffee during pregnancy often have less weight babies than those who do not drink.

In addition, mothers who are still breastfeeding should not drink coffee. Because caffeine in this drink can pass through the blood into breast milk. Because of the weak metabolic function and excretory function of the baby, it will cause a baby to be breastfed to develop stress, irritability, anxiety or hyperactivity. In the irresistible case, you can feed your baby before drinking coffee, and drink more water and then remove the caffeine.

- People with stomach pain

If you have stomach pain, you may not be able to use coffee. Because caffeine in coffee helps diuretics, causing you to "go" many times, causing dehydration. You need to remember that your body needs enough water to keep your immune system working. Besides, caffeine will also stimulate gastric acid secretion, which is detrimental to the patient's recovery process.

Not only that, many of the acids found in coffee beans can irritate the stomach and small intestinal mucosa. Drinking coffee when the stomach is empty can stimulate the stomach to increase acid secretion.

In particular, drinking coffee can also irritate the small intestine mucosa, causing diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome. Acid reflux and heartburn can be caused by coffee because it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter muscles. These sphincter muscles are closed after we eat to prevent food and stomach acid from reflecting on the esophagus.

- People with high blood pressure

Caffeine is a substance that causes vasoconstriction, increasing the pressure of blood flow, causing blood pressure to rise. Therefore, doctors recommend limiting the intake of coffee or certain beverages containing stimulants to help improve your high blood pressure.

- Group of people with cardiovascular disease

Coffee can also cause irritation to the central nervous system and the functioning and function of the cardiovascular system. Patients with heart disease inherently have their own heart function barriers, large amounts of caffeine in the coffee increase the stimulation of heart activity. Therefore, people with cardiovascular disorders or caffeine intolerance should not drink coffee.



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