4 cheap vegetables are a panacea against cancer but Vietnamese often overlook


Cabbage contains vitamin C, E and carotene, the total vitamin content of cabbage is 3 times higher than that of tomatoes, so cabbage has strong antioxidant and anti-aging effects. The rich folic acid in cabbage helps prevent cell anemia and fetal malformations. Pregnant women, children and adolescents of advanced age should eat more cabbage.

Cabbage also contains vitamin U, which is good for treating ulcers, can heal ulcers quickly, and prevent more serious ulcers.

In addition, cabbage can destroy the abnormal cells that lead to leukemia in the body, helping to prevent bowel cancer.


In broccoli contains lots of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtian and glucobrassicin belonging to the detoxifying sugar group, has a detoxifying effect on the body, effectively prevents cancer.

Eating broccoli regularly can prevent stomach cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer. Independent studies from Denmark, England and Finland also show that eating 100g of broccoli every day reduces the risk of lung cancer and prostate cancer.


Chives have a very effective cell protectant, which functions as a free radical antioxidant, minimizing or avoiding damaging functions between cell membranes and genes, thereby protecting cells against the invasion of Carcinogens, which enhance the body's immunity.


Celery is used as a favorite vegetable of many people. When eating a lot of celery, it can inhibit cancer caused by bacteria in the intestine. Celery helps improve peristalsis, reduces contact between carcinogens and colon mucosa, prevents colon cancer.

This vegetable is easy to buy all year round and is not expensive, especially as celery can be used as an ornamental plant, very easy to grow in the kitchen. If your home has a balcony, people should plant some herbs to supplement their meals every day.



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