4 signs of lung cancer warning are attacking the body, do not underestimate the loss of life

Causes of lung cancer

Referring to the cause of this dangerous disease, it is impossible not to mention the following reasons:

Tobacco and cigarette smoke: This is one of the main causes of lung cancer. In developed countries, 90% of deaths in men due to lung cancer are caused by cigarette smoke and this figure is 70% in women.

Air and dust pollution: 1-2% of cases of lung cancer stem from air pollution due to exposure to toxic air.

Due to genetic genes: About 8% of lung cancer cases are caused by genetic factors. Due to the ability to combine genes, a relative of people with lung cancer, the risk of disease will increase to 2.4 times.

Other causes such as the working environment, the nature of the work are much exposed to chemicals, dust .

Signs of lung cancer warning

Eye problems

Pancoast tumors can also affect the nerves to your eyes and part of your face. This is called Horner syndrome. Symptoms include: pupils in one of your eyes with a drooping eyelid. Even when you cry, tears in the eyes cannot flow.

Fingers are bigger than usual

Some lung tumors produce hormone-like chemicals. One of them pushes more blood and fluid to the tissues in the fingers, so they look thicker or larger than normal. The skin on the side of the nail looks shiny or the nails can be more curved than usual when you look at them from the side. It is uncommon, but finger shape is strongly associated with lung cancer: about 80% of people with the disease have this sign.

Mental health problems

In a Danish study, the incidence of diagnosed cell lung cancer was higher for those suffering from psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and dementia. The cause may be due to cancer affecting your immune system, or it may spread to the brain. High levels of calcium related to cancer can also be confusing, messy thoughts and depression.

Back pain or shoulder pain

Pancoast tumor is a type of cancer that develops in the upper part of the lungs and spreads to the ribs, vertebrae in the spine, nerves and blood vessels. Because these tumors develop, they rarely affect your respiratory system. Instead, they are more likely to hurt the shoulder blade, upper back and arms.



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