4 things you need to do immediately to kill the germs of liver cancer

Periodic health check

From the age of 35 and older, you should get regular checkups so you can detect health problems early, including early signs of liver disease. Especially for family members with a history of liver cancer. Early detection of disease at an early stage will contribute to improving the effectiveness of disease treatment for patients.

Do not use metabolic vegetable and animal oils

Old oil contains Malondialdehyde - the chemical component that produces polymers that react with proteins and deoxyribonucleic acids in the body, causing the protein's structure to change, causing protein cells to lose their normal function and causing the early stages of cancer to be metabolized.

Maintain a healthy attitude

Alcohol and tobacco are a faster pathway to liver cancer in people with hepatitis B and C.

Alcohol makes the liver unable to filter out toxins, from which the liver cells are damaged and replaced with scar tissue, causing chronic cirrhosis and leading to liver cancer.

In particular, people with hepatitis B and C are at a much higher risk of liver cancer if they consume a lot of alcohol. If you want a healthy liver, stay away from alcohol and tobacco.

Besides, today many people sleep very late and stay up late has become a normal state of them. Some people work day and night, making the liver almost restless. When the body is not relaxed, adequate rest will affect the repair of dead cells themselves, and will make it fall into a state of extreme fatigue, gradually weakening and injury.

Therefore, the advice for you is to immediately pay attention to adjusting the living schedule, paying attention to appropriate rest, exercise outdoors with appropriate intensity.

Emotional control

The ancients believed that anger harms the heart and the liver, and there are also expressions like "working hard is hot in the liver", meaning that your mood greatly affects the health of your liver. Negative, tense, negative emotions will damage the liver, but in life, we can't guarantee everything is okay.

Therefore, it is best to learn simple ways to control your emotions, stay positive.



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