5 best foods for cardiovascular health

Olive oil

This is a food rich in unsaturated fat, especially good for the walls. Replacing saturated fats (butter, cheese, animal fat .) with olive oil will help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. As a heart-healthy food, olive oil also helps provide the body with polyphenols - substances that help prevent cholesterol from penetrating into the walls of blood vessels.

Green vegetables

Experts and doctors always recommend eating green vegetables every day to prevent cardiovascular disease. The nutrients in the vegetables are extremely rich, so this can be considered a good food for the heart and easy to absorb and absorb. Antioxidants in green vegetables enhance cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease through their anti-inflammatory ability on blood vessels.

At the same time, they also help eliminate plaque buildup in arteries. Dark green vegetables such as kale, mustard, broccoli, etc. contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the body against cardiovascular diseases. It also provides folic acid - a substance that helps to reduce homocysteine ​​(an amino acid that can cause cardiovascular disease risk if blood levels are high).


A type of food rich in omega-3, salmon will help you lower your blood pressure and prevent blood clots from forming. Maintaining a diet twice a week will help you reduce your risk of a heart attack by a third.

"Salmon contains an astaxanthin carotenoid, which is a powerful antioxidant" - quoted cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, author of "How to Reduce Blood Pressure in 8 Weeks" (Lower Your Blood Pressure In Eight Weeks).

But to be better, you should choose wild caught salmon rather than farmed fish, because farmed fish may be contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals.

If you don't like salmon, try other oily fish such as mackerel, ocean tuna, sardines and herring that can help you have a healthy heart with the same effect.


A small amount of butter can be spread over a sandwich or spinach to enhance heart-healthy fats. In butter contains a lot of monounsaturated fats, which help your body eliminate LDL and increase HDL levels (a good heart-healthy cholesterol).


Green blueberries, raspberries, strawberries - or other berries - contain a wide variety of anti-inflammatory substances, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

"Raspberries and blueberries are great foods. All berries are good for your heart health," said Dr. Sinatra.



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