5 types of fruit juices enhance life expectancy

Coconut water

According to Boldsky, drinking coconut water on an empty stomach in the morning is healthy. Coconut water is rich in vitamins, minerals including electrolytes, many lauric acids help enhance immunity and body metabolism. Vegetable juice

Natural fruit juice provides the body with antioxidant and nutritional properties. You should choose vegetables with high iron content.

Guava juice

Eating a guava fruit every day meets 12% of your body's fiber needs, a healthy laxative effect, rich in vitamins that protect your skin from wrinkles for smoother, brighter skin. In addition, guava does not contain cholesterol suitable for people who want to lose weight.

Guava juice taken after breakfast increases resistance

Grape juice

When you are hungry, the water for raisins will work much more effectively, don't forget to eat raisins when drinking water. Scientists and sports experts believe that raisins can completely replace energy supplements. Raisins contain a large amount of fiber and micronutrients, and do not contain any sugar or artificial flavors.


Clinical dietitian in the United States, saying drinking the first morning water is the best way to replenish the water your body loses overnight. You can add lemon to warm water. This provides an adequate amount of vitamin C and polyphenols to boost the immune system and improve skin health, according to Medical Daily.

Lemon juice purifies your body after breakfast

Tomato juice

Tomato juice rich in vitamin C provides you with energy and skin beauty. Two ripe tomatoes mixed with one tablespoon of honey improve morale. With many vitamins and antioxidants that help protect the brain, preventing the risk of Alzheimer's, orange juice is the ideal drink to start the day.



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