6 great uses of arhat with health, the last extremely valuable thing

Strong antioxidant effect

The mogrosid gives the aroma a strong sweetness and also has a very good antioxidant effect.

Oxidation plays an important role in aging diseases and disorders in the body, choosing antioxidant foods is the secret to prevent disease and aging.

Has anti-inflammatory and cooling effect

Since ancient times, people have used tea made from arhat to cool the body when hot inside and out, it is also used to reduce sore throat thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes

According to Dr. Ax, Americans consume about 130 pounds, or nearly 60 kilograms of sugar a year, 13 times the 1800s. Increasing sugar use is associated with obesity and diabetes.

Replacing sugar with a sweet, high-calorie fruit that can benefit many people.

Preventing and treating cancer

Studies show that thanks to its strong ability to inhibit the growth of skin and breast tumors, the fruit is an excellent fighter in the fight against cancer. Many people now know that artificial sweeteners have been shown to lead to cancer, while fruit sweeteners do the opposite.


People often use antibiotics to treat infections, but natural antibacterial agents are a better choice for this purpose.

Experts have achieved amazing results when studying the ability to inhibit the bacterial growth of drought, especially the bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease. It is also resistant to certain types and symptoms of Canida.

Dissipate fatigue

An animal study has shown that drought fruit helps reduce exercise fatigue, and rats that use drought extract can extend exercise time than other mice.

To process arhat into soft drinks, you need to choose from 1-2 arhat fruits, wash the outer skin until the hair is clean, separate the arhat from 2 to 4 parts, put into the jar then pour from 1-1 , 5 liters of boiling water, wait for 5 - 10 minutes and enjoy.

Some remedies for sore throat, laryngitis, pertussis, constipation treatment from arhat:

- Cure sore throat: Luo Han drought with boiling water, drink instead of water during the day.

- Treatment of laryngitis: Fruit pineapples take drinking water 2-3 times a day or drink a little bit at a time.

- Cure pertussis: Arhat 1 fruit, dried persimmon 25g, excellent for drinking water.

- Cure constipation: Use arhat to take water, add honey to drink during the day.



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